Life throws at us all sort of curve balls. Many situations arise each and every day against us. Some bring fear. Some bring despair. Some seem very real. And for some, we see through the act. There are days when we can easily overcome mountains and there are days when we tremble and lose hope at the sight of some mountains. We often look at the inclines, cliffs and edgy parts of the stones and then think of how things could go wrong. We lose sight on what could go right.
Most of the things we face in this life are just shadows. I would love to believe everything is in fact just a shadow. No matter how big it may be, it is all a shadow. And the trick that life plays on us, is that very often, the shadow isn't a true reflection of it's owner. There's a lot of trickery involved in the whole thing. Many shadows seem very huge while the force behind it is very tiny.
Before running away from a shadow, first find out its source. Many times you will be surprised when you find out it is a very tiny force. Do not always assume that a problem is huge because fro far it looks huge. Get closer and dissect it. Get deeper into it and understand it. Only when you focus on the source, will shadows stop making you tremble.
The shadow may be huge, but your fear shouldn't.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Welcome to an infinite earth. A community where we believe in the infinite nature of our universe. Working hard each day to discover our infinite nature,and make the world a better place
Monday, 11 November 2019
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Broken Souls Break Souls
It is a world of broken souls
You break me I break you
They get me I get you
And the breaking continues
Tears keep flowing each day
And the water the tree of hate
Hate and vengeful thinking
And the tree bears fruits of pain
Which someone else will have to swallow
Why can't the tears water hope
Why not bring new life from them
Why not end the chain of sorrow
I guess it is true
Broken souls break souls
And break themselves more while at it
You break me I break you
They get me I get you
And the breaking continues
Tears keep flowing each day
And the water the tree of hate
Hate and vengeful thinking
And the tree bears fruits of pain
Which someone else will have to swallow
Why can't the tears water hope
Why not bring new life from them
Why not end the chain of sorrow
I guess it is true
Broken souls break souls
And break themselves more while at it
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
It has been long since I last posted. And a lot has happened since. I have come to realise something that has been holding me back for so long that might also be holding some of you. The Past. Many of us who have been through painful times at the hands of someone, may think we have moved on and feel like we have moved on. In our minds, we are convinced we have moved on because we no longer think of the past.We feel we have moved on because we no longer sit down and cry about it.
However, this is a very deadly trap that will always have the past repeating itself. The reality is that, letting go of the past is not just about letting go of the pain and the memories of someone or something. One can completely forget about all these and leave them behind, while having not moved on. The biggest sign for me, was in my failure to appreciate what I currently had in life. As much as I had forgotten about the past and "moved on", there was something that was still wrong with me. When we experience things in our life, they change who we are for better or for worse. When you go through a bad experience, there is a lot that happens to your character and sense of being, which often remains behind long after we have forgotten about the painful experiences. And it is this, that was making me not realise what I had.
Due to past transgressions by others against me, my faith in humanity was very low. And as much as I had moved on, I hadn't fixed the damage that was done. It took me making mistakes and close calls with death, to realise that I needed to reflect on my life and what I had. It was then that I realised that as much as I thought I had moved on, I hadn't fixed the damage done by the past. And this is the one thing haunting many of us today. We try to forget about painful experiences and think we have moved on, while having not fixed the damage done. Some major signs of having not moved on include insecurities, lack of self-esteem/self-worth, settling etc. When you find yourself having "moved on", but without the same lively spirit that you had before, it is a sign that you have forgotten but not moved on.
Take off the memories, pains, damage and experiences you go through. Make sure you undo all the damage. Do not let it change who you are. Take it all off and leave it in the past. Only then will you experience the true freedom of moving on.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
However, this is a very deadly trap that will always have the past repeating itself. The reality is that, letting go of the past is not just about letting go of the pain and the memories of someone or something. One can completely forget about all these and leave them behind, while having not moved on. The biggest sign for me, was in my failure to appreciate what I currently had in life. As much as I had forgotten about the past and "moved on", there was something that was still wrong with me. When we experience things in our life, they change who we are for better or for worse. When you go through a bad experience, there is a lot that happens to your character and sense of being, which often remains behind long after we have forgotten about the painful experiences. And it is this, that was making me not realise what I had.
Due to past transgressions by others against me, my faith in humanity was very low. And as much as I had moved on, I hadn't fixed the damage that was done. It took me making mistakes and close calls with death, to realise that I needed to reflect on my life and what I had. It was then that I realised that as much as I thought I had moved on, I hadn't fixed the damage done by the past. And this is the one thing haunting many of us today. We try to forget about painful experiences and think we have moved on, while having not fixed the damage done. Some major signs of having not moved on include insecurities, lack of self-esteem/self-worth, settling etc. When you find yourself having "moved on", but without the same lively spirit that you had before, it is a sign that you have forgotten but not moved on.
Take off the memories, pains, damage and experiences you go through. Make sure you undo all the damage. Do not let it change who you are. Take it all off and leave it in the past. Only then will you experience the true freedom of moving on.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Early this morning on my way to work, something happened that made me realise that often times we forget about true happiness and peace. In the quest to reach month end and feel financially secure, we sometimes forget how short life is. We forget that any day we can lose it all.
In South Africa, where crime is out of control, we are constantly reminded that it is all grace that we make it back home each day in one piece. Take time out today to appreciate those you love and those around you. Be kind to everyone, it won't cost you a single cent. In fact it will reward you with peace.
Each and every day when I walk through Johannesburg in the mornings and after work, I always pray that I make it back home unharmed, both emotionally and physically. Back in February, I went through a terrifying experience. Each day I give thanks for the life I have and I remind everyone how much they mean to me, because I have no idea as when I may walk out the door and never walk back.
Each day I pray that I am safe and never become a hashtag. It is sad seeing #JusticeForSuchAndSuch almost every week. I hope to never become a #JusticeForMbueloRamafamba.
Lord help us and keep us safe.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
In South Africa, where crime is out of control, we are constantly reminded that it is all grace that we make it back home each day in one piece. Take time out today to appreciate those you love and those around you. Be kind to everyone, it won't cost you a single cent. In fact it will reward you with peace.
Each and every day when I walk through Johannesburg in the mornings and after work, I always pray that I make it back home unharmed, both emotionally and physically. Back in February, I went through a terrifying experience. Each day I give thanks for the life I have and I remind everyone how much they mean to me, because I have no idea as when I may walk out the door and never walk back.
Each day I pray that I am safe and never become a hashtag. It is sad seeing #JusticeForSuchAndSuch almost every week. I hope to never become a #JusticeForMbueloRamafamba.
Lord help us and keep us safe.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 29 July 2019
This is the final piece on waiting. It is going to be a bit spiritual. I feel it is important that I share this with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters, however, anyone can learn something out of it.
Romans 12:12 - "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation,be constant in prayer."
Psalm 27:14 - "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
I have taken just these two scriptures amongst many. When we are faced with waiting in life and are impatient, a lot happens to us. We start asking questions and questions lead to doubt. And if we often feel entitled and do not understand that world doesn't owe us anything, we tend to think to ourselves "Why Me?".
Sometimes we pray hard to find answers but when the answers do not come, the "Why Me" becomes "God, Why Me?". We start thinking that God is not fair. We start looking for reasons to justify our views on why God is unfair. And in the end, we end up doubting the existence of God. Many walk away from the church/ places of worship because "God didn't answer their prayer, so why bother..".
I am here to tell you, do not give up. Often times we give up right when the answer is around the corner. See waiting as something that is meant to build you and your character instead of something bad. You can see the glass as half empty or as half full. The choice is yours.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Greetings to all my readers. I have a small announcement to make. There will be a change to the update schedule. I will no longer be posting on specified days (Mon, Wed & Fri). I will now be posting any day. This is because I have to find time in between my day job to post and having specific days for posting is not really a good idea anymore since I may be swamped with work on some of those days. So I will try to be flexible in order for me to keep delivering content for all my readers.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 22 July 2019
I will still be continuing on waiting even today, however, this might be the last post on waiting. It is more focused on the feelings we go through when waiting.
The human mind is not good at handling stressful situations. Desperation can drive each human crazy in the quest to find the root cause or a solution of the current state of affairs. It is also human nature to not want to be wrong. This is very evident when one becomes impatient because things aren't happening the way they thought they would.
The first defense is always to find something or someone to blame. It often becomes a habit wherein one will never want to face anything head on but instead choose to blame everyone around them. This does not help in anyway, besides making the waiting much longer because life works that way; if you do not own up to your mistakes, it will be very hard on you.
At first people may put up to it, but eventually everyone gets tired. In the end, everyone decides they have had enough. It is in that moment where many implode because they are now forced to face everything without anyone around to blame. They had the chance to take responsibility for their actions while people were there to support them, but they chose to instead blame the very same support structure. And when everyone is gone, life starts to be very unpleasant. Life always works like this. It will always force one to face their fault head on at one point. No matter how much you try to run away, you can never run away from it. While you wait, it is best to take responsibility and start fixing yourself because a time will come when you will have to face it all alone.
Stand up, admit your wrong, take responsibility and change your ways. Otherwise life will force you to in a very unpleasant way. You can only point a finger for as long as there's someone or something to point it to. But one day, the finger pointing will be of no use. Take responsibility now.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
The human mind is not good at handling stressful situations. Desperation can drive each human crazy in the quest to find the root cause or a solution of the current state of affairs. It is also human nature to not want to be wrong. This is very evident when one becomes impatient because things aren't happening the way they thought they would.
The first defense is always to find something or someone to blame. It often becomes a habit wherein one will never want to face anything head on but instead choose to blame everyone around them. This does not help in anyway, besides making the waiting much longer because life works that way; if you do not own up to your mistakes, it will be very hard on you.
At first people may put up to it, but eventually everyone gets tired. In the end, everyone decides they have had enough. It is in that moment where many implode because they are now forced to face everything without anyone around to blame. They had the chance to take responsibility for their actions while people were there to support them, but they chose to instead blame the very same support structure. And when everyone is gone, life starts to be very unpleasant. Life always works like this. It will always force one to face their fault head on at one point. No matter how much you try to run away, you can never run away from it. While you wait, it is best to take responsibility and start fixing yourself because a time will come when you will have to face it all alone.
Stand up, admit your wrong, take responsibility and change your ways. Otherwise life will force you to in a very unpleasant way. You can only point a finger for as long as there's someone or something to point it to. But one day, the finger pointing will be of no use. Take responsibility now.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Friday, 19 July 2019
Today's theme is still on waiting. Last time I did write that there was a lot to write about with regards to waiting. And I ended Wednesday's by telling you to be ready. Today I want to venture a bit more into readiness for what you are waiting for.
Life is not a fairy-tale and I believe most, if not all, of you know that. one doesn't just wish things to reality or throw a coin in a wishing well. Life will not always do what you want. And while you are waiting, it will often feel like life is completely against you. But life doesn't do what you wish for it to do. It usually reacts to what you do.
Complaining is the one thing that will make your waiting a bad experience. Unfortunately it is human nature to complain when things aren't happening our way. However, shift your attitude from on of feeling that life might have 'beef' against you, or someone else might and starting understanding +85% of the work is all you. Whether you blame someone or not, it won't change that fact. You have to own the moment and own your attitude.
Do not waste time feeling sorry and worrying about why it is taking so long. Take that time focusing on building yourself and growing as an individual. When the waiting gives you 99 reason why it is "unfair", "you are cursed", or any other reason why you should give up, give yourself 1 reason to hold on and wait patiently. Stick to the one reason. And when the wait is finally over, you will appreciate what you have been waiting for.
Remember, the world owes you nothing. You can cry and blame everyone for all you like, but at the end of the day you will have to face the music alone. At night when you are sleeping, you will wish you could turn back time and go back to that one moment and be patient. Your impatience today will come back to haunt you tomorrow, and it will have you waiting a whole lot longer than you would've waited now.
Learn to wait. The world owes you nothing.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Life is not a fairy-tale and I believe most, if not all, of you know that. one doesn't just wish things to reality or throw a coin in a wishing well. Life will not always do what you want. And while you are waiting, it will often feel like life is completely against you. But life doesn't do what you wish for it to do. It usually reacts to what you do.
Complaining is the one thing that will make your waiting a bad experience. Unfortunately it is human nature to complain when things aren't happening our way. However, shift your attitude from on of feeling that life might have 'beef' against you, or someone else might and starting understanding +85% of the work is all you. Whether you blame someone or not, it won't change that fact. You have to own the moment and own your attitude.
Do not waste time feeling sorry and worrying about why it is taking so long. Take that time focusing on building yourself and growing as an individual. When the waiting gives you 99 reason why it is "unfair", "you are cursed", or any other reason why you should give up, give yourself 1 reason to hold on and wait patiently. Stick to the one reason. And when the wait is finally over, you will appreciate what you have been waiting for.
Remember, the world owes you nothing. You can cry and blame everyone for all you like, but at the end of the day you will have to face the music alone. At night when you are sleeping, you will wish you could turn back time and go back to that one moment and be patient. Your impatience today will come back to haunt you tomorrow, and it will have you waiting a whole lot longer than you would've waited now.
Learn to wait. The world owes you nothing.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Today I will be carrying on with the theme on waiting. I feel there's a lot to say about the experience of waiting which I unfortunately cannot fit into one post. So please bare with me.
The one thing that is common in everyone who is waiting is need. We wait because we need something. I am not referring to waiting for a person, though you can wait for a person whom you need.I am referring to waiting for something to happen that you feel will better your life. There's always a burning desire/need that fuels the waiting. Either you are waiting for a job, a start-up funder etc, the reality is there is a need behind all the waiting.
How deep the desire is, will influence the emotions you go through while you wait. If you are in deep need, it will always feel like a lifetime. But one thing you have to understand is that, if you really need something and you value it that much, then you will have to burn for it. There's no other way besides burning. You have to burn and burn you shall.
The mistake many make is decide to try something else and forget about what they have been waiting for, because they can't take the heat of waiting. If it is really worth much for you, you will burn for it. You sit in that furnace and wait patiently. I too have been in situations wherein quitting felt like a better option. It seemed like things were falling apart. But sometimes things have to fall apart for you to appreciate what is to come. If you didn't have to wait and burn, you wouldn't value it.
It doesn't end in waiting though. You have to be a visionary while you wait. Envision the wait coming to an end. What will you need to better take advantage of whatever you are waiting for. In what circumstances must you be in? Just as a fighter trains hard for a big fighter, you too need to ready yourself for what you are waiting for. Otherwise you will squander it. Sometimes it won't arrive until you have prepared yourself enough. You need to need to be prepared for it.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
The one thing that is common in everyone who is waiting is need. We wait because we need something. I am not referring to waiting for a person, though you can wait for a person whom you need.I am referring to waiting for something to happen that you feel will better your life. There's always a burning desire/need that fuels the waiting. Either you are waiting for a job, a start-up funder etc, the reality is there is a need behind all the waiting.
How deep the desire is, will influence the emotions you go through while you wait. If you are in deep need, it will always feel like a lifetime. But one thing you have to understand is that, if you really need something and you value it that much, then you will have to burn for it. There's no other way besides burning. You have to burn and burn you shall.
The mistake many make is decide to try something else and forget about what they have been waiting for, because they can't take the heat of waiting. If it is really worth much for you, you will burn for it. You sit in that furnace and wait patiently. I too have been in situations wherein quitting felt like a better option. It seemed like things were falling apart. But sometimes things have to fall apart for you to appreciate what is to come. If you didn't have to wait and burn, you wouldn't value it.
It doesn't end in waiting though. You have to be a visionary while you wait. Envision the wait coming to an end. What will you need to better take advantage of whatever you are waiting for. In what circumstances must you be in? Just as a fighter trains hard for a big fighter, you too need to ready yourself for what you are waiting for. Otherwise you will squander it. Sometimes it won't arrive until you have prepared yourself enough. You need to need to be prepared for it.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 15 July 2019
The past couple of months have been a big test for me. I have been tested and pushed to my limits. But most importantly, it was my patience that was being tested in order to make me a better person. And it made me realise one about myself which I have also noted in other people as well. People hate waiting.
When I took time off from writing, I had reached a point wherein I knew I wasn't going to be able to produce anything of value, and also to make all the readers wait. But let's focus on what waiting entails. I used to think waiting simply meant that if for example someone says I will come at 5, I had to sit there till they arrived. I was completely wrong.
Waiting is not about being able to 'wait' till something or someone arrives. The bigger part and lesson to waiting is the battle that starts brewing within. It more about what you do while you wait. Pay attention to what you do when you wait. Often times when we have to wait for prolonged periods, our faith is tested. It is the true test of waiting. Our reaction to the waiting gets worse with time. And often times we give up on the waiting because "we have waited for too long".
What I found was that once you get over all that inner fighting, impatience, grumbling and anger, you start to not be aware much of the fact that you are waiting and focus more on that you are on a journey and each journey has a destination. Once you shift your mindset, you start seeing things from a different and more beautiful angle.
Next time you have to wait for weeks, months or even years, remember that how you react can determine if whatever you are waiting for arrives to find you or arrives to find you gone.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
When I took time off from writing, I had reached a point wherein I knew I wasn't going to be able to produce anything of value, and also to make all the readers wait. But let's focus on what waiting entails. I used to think waiting simply meant that if for example someone says I will come at 5, I had to sit there till they arrived. I was completely wrong.
Waiting is not about being able to 'wait' till something or someone arrives. The bigger part and lesson to waiting is the battle that starts brewing within. It more about what you do while you wait. Pay attention to what you do when you wait. Often times when we have to wait for prolonged periods, our faith is tested. It is the true test of waiting. Our reaction to the waiting gets worse with time. And often times we give up on the waiting because "we have waited for too long".
What I found was that once you get over all that inner fighting, impatience, grumbling and anger, you start to not be aware much of the fact that you are waiting and focus more on that you are on a journey and each journey has a destination. Once you shift your mindset, you start seeing things from a different and more beautiful angle.
Next time you have to wait for weeks, months or even years, remember that how you react can determine if whatever you are waiting for arrives to find you or arrives to find you gone.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 3 June 2019
Allow me to apologise for having not posted anything the past week. Unfortunately, a lot has been happening lately. A lot of personal stuff, as well as work has kept me very busy. Emotionally and mentally, a lot has been happening too.
We are often so busy with things in life that we forget to rest. I need to look after myself if I am to carry on writing more articles on InfiEarth and InfiCoding. This is why I have decided to take a break for this month and recoup. I really need a break to sit down, reflect and make plans. We all need that Pause every now and then when it calls for it.
My apologies to all readers.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
We are often so busy with things in life that we forget to rest. I need to look after myself if I am to carry on writing more articles on InfiEarth and InfiCoding. This is why I have decided to take a break for this month and recoup. I really need a break to sit down, reflect and make plans. We all need that Pause every now and then when it calls for it.
My apologies to all readers.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 27 May 2019
Lost In The World
Will it ever end?
Will things ever change?
This I ask myself each day
Seeing the rot that has invaded our world
The violence and wars of words
People gunning for each other's heads
And yet we say we the ultimate species.
How mankind has fallen
Hypocrisy has become our daily bread
I point you and you don't point me
I blame you but you don't blame me
But if you have money I defend you
And if it fails I destroy you
Unless you pay me to stand back
People have become worshipers of money
Spit on me and do as you please if the price is right
We have put a price tag upon our souls
For money we neglect our own homes
We forsake those that love us for those that pay us
Placing to much value on money
But what if one day all this money vanished?
What if one day all the social media went offline?
What if one day all you had left was you?
What would you be?
Would you be happy?
Or would you be someone that once lived?
Are you anything without all these things you worship?
Will things ever change?
This I ask myself each day
Seeing the rot that has invaded our world
The violence and wars of words
People gunning for each other's heads
And yet we say we the ultimate species.
How mankind has fallen
Hypocrisy has become our daily bread
I point you and you don't point me
I blame you but you don't blame me
But if you have money I defend you
And if it fails I destroy you
Unless you pay me to stand back
People have become worshipers of money
Spit on me and do as you please if the price is right
We have put a price tag upon our souls
For money we neglect our own homes
We forsake those that love us for those that pay us
Placing to much value on money
But what if one day all this money vanished?
What if one day all the social media went offline?
What if one day all you had left was you?
What would you be?
Would you be happy?
Or would you be someone that once lived?
Are you anything without all these things you worship?
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
When I first started this blogsite, I never thought I would be writing this much or getting as many views as I get. But our world is infinite and there's so much to write about. The one thing that has kept me coming back with new articles each time, is the joy of discovering myself.
Everything I write here, is either something I've been through, going through or part of me discovering myself. Sometimes I write something here which then reveals so much to me about myself. Sometimes I go back and read old posts which also help me through certain situations. But when I started, I never knew it would be this big. I never thought I could use my blog as a reference during tough times, as well as recommend it to others as well. But all you see in here is a young man discovering himself and his place in an infinite world, that's been broken.
Finding yourself is something I recommend to everyone. You won't find your complete self because everyday you will discover something new. As long as you keep searching from within, you will go from strength to strength. Just as I started this with one post, then stopped posting, to current state of being able to constantly write and post; such growth is possible for anyone. All you have to do is observe yourself, acknowledge you are incomplete, and then go on a journey to be the best you can be. Go on a journey to discover yourself. Along that journey you will discover bits and pieces which will combine to make you a much better person.
Don't get too comfortable. There is so much more you can achieve.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Everything I write here, is either something I've been through, going through or part of me discovering myself. Sometimes I write something here which then reveals so much to me about myself. Sometimes I go back and read old posts which also help me through certain situations. But when I started, I never knew it would be this big. I never thought I could use my blog as a reference during tough times, as well as recommend it to others as well. But all you see in here is a young man discovering himself and his place in an infinite world, that's been broken.
Finding yourself is something I recommend to everyone. You won't find your complete self because everyday you will discover something new. As long as you keep searching from within, you will go from strength to strength. Just as I started this with one post, then stopped posting, to current state of being able to constantly write and post; such growth is possible for anyone. All you have to do is observe yourself, acknowledge you are incomplete, and then go on a journey to be the best you can be. Go on a journey to discover yourself. Along that journey you will discover bits and pieces which will combine to make you a much better person.
Don't get too comfortable. There is so much more you can achieve.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 20 May 2019
Everyone has a history. It might be bad, good or both. But we all have some sort of history, some of which we are proud of and some which we are not. Part it is all part of who we are. It is a chapter in the story of our life and will follow us forever. It tells of where we have been before, and not necessarily where we are now.
There those of us whom when we have a bad history, or a history we are not proud of, we face it head on. We look back and see what went wrong, accept that we did something wrong and try to do better. We accept that it is part of our story and will stick to us no matter where we go. We understand that when we tell our story, it will be part of it, because it is our history. We own our mistakes and try to do better. And when you do that, you are not afraid of your history. It is not some boogeyman you are constantly scared will come out.
But there those who just try to shove it away and think it will just vanish and no longer become part of their lives. They do all they can to avoid it, even if it means lying to everyone about their past. They fail to understand that by accepting the past, it doesn't mean you are proud of it. We as humans are sometimes too proud to admit when we are wrong. We try to point fingers at others in order to avoid accepting our mistakes. We would rather be victims and blame others than own up to it. And when it fails, we try to run away from our past without dealing with it.
The truth is, when you are matured enough, you understand that your past just shows your mistakes which made you the better person whom you are today. It shows you've seen your wrongs and have changed to be a better person. You've learned from your mistakes. But to lie and try to hide your past is a sign of weakness. A sign that you didn't learn. A sign that you didn't change. And the worst thing about history is that it always comes back. The last thing you want is for your history to destroy something special you have today because you tried to hide through lies and scheming. When you accept it and are open about it, you live with no fear of it popping back up. It cannot be used against you.
Face your history and never lie about. Talk about it before someone else drops it like a bomb at the moment when you least expect it. When you are open about it, you are never scared of it being brought up because you have faced it. You cannot erase or rewrite your history through lies or running. You only get to write a new life by accepting your past, learning from it and doing things differently.
The truth shall set you free.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
There those of us whom when we have a bad history, or a history we are not proud of, we face it head on. We look back and see what went wrong, accept that we did something wrong and try to do better. We accept that it is part of our story and will stick to us no matter where we go. We understand that when we tell our story, it will be part of it, because it is our history. We own our mistakes and try to do better. And when you do that, you are not afraid of your history. It is not some boogeyman you are constantly scared will come out.
But there those who just try to shove it away and think it will just vanish and no longer become part of their lives. They do all they can to avoid it, even if it means lying to everyone about their past. They fail to understand that by accepting the past, it doesn't mean you are proud of it. We as humans are sometimes too proud to admit when we are wrong. We try to point fingers at others in order to avoid accepting our mistakes. We would rather be victims and blame others than own up to it. And when it fails, we try to run away from our past without dealing with it.
The truth is, when you are matured enough, you understand that your past just shows your mistakes which made you the better person whom you are today. It shows you've seen your wrongs and have changed to be a better person. You've learned from your mistakes. But to lie and try to hide your past is a sign of weakness. A sign that you didn't learn. A sign that you didn't change. And the worst thing about history is that it always comes back. The last thing you want is for your history to destroy something special you have today because you tried to hide through lies and scheming. When you accept it and are open about it, you live with no fear of it popping back up. It cannot be used against you.
Face your history and never lie about. Talk about it before someone else drops it like a bomb at the moment when you least expect it. When you are open about it, you are never scared of it being brought up because you have faced it. You cannot erase or rewrite your history through lies or running. You only get to write a new life by accepting your past, learning from it and doing things differently.
The truth shall set you free.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Inner Peace,
Letting Go,
Self Acceptance,
Self Respect,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Friday, 17 May 2019
Many of us live in the fast lane. Everything happens at a very fast pace. The job we do on a daily basis, hangouts etc, are all very intense and fast paced. But we just keep moving forward or going deeper. Very little do we sit down and just look at the light.
We are so deeply focused on everything that is going on in front of us that we are more likely to see what we lack, than what we have. We want to push hard and get that thing, secure that bag and make that big move. That is absolutely needed. We all have to work hard. We all have to achieve big. But the problem starts when we think that is the only thing that will make us happy. We place our whole definition of happiness on what we can achieve. It is something that has gotten hold of many of us, myself included.
But recently I was made to realise that even when I push myself and work hard towards something, I must always take a moment to appreciate the little things around me. The things that may not say to me "We need to be appreciated", but if I lost them, I wouldn't be the same nor happy even with all the money and assets the world can give. How easy we forget. How easy we forget about those around us, spend little time checking on their health, making a call to them, telling them we love them, cooking for them, giving them a hug etc. How easy we forget. We think we do not need these things, but these things are our foundation.
Nurture these people and the little things that come along with it. Appreciate life from the smallest thing, and when big things come, they will not change who you are. Our world is so caught up in the problems because we have all forgotten to appreciate what we already have. We too caught up in likes, follows, retweets and what we do not have and pay little attention to what we have. We do not see the blessings we already have.
How easy we forget.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
We are so deeply focused on everything that is going on in front of us that we are more likely to see what we lack, than what we have. We want to push hard and get that thing, secure that bag and make that big move. That is absolutely needed. We all have to work hard. We all have to achieve big. But the problem starts when we think that is the only thing that will make us happy. We place our whole definition of happiness on what we can achieve. It is something that has gotten hold of many of us, myself included.
But recently I was made to realise that even when I push myself and work hard towards something, I must always take a moment to appreciate the little things around me. The things that may not say to me "We need to be appreciated", but if I lost them, I wouldn't be the same nor happy even with all the money and assets the world can give. How easy we forget. How easy we forget about those around us, spend little time checking on their health, making a call to them, telling them we love them, cooking for them, giving them a hug etc. How easy we forget. We think we do not need these things, but these things are our foundation.
Nurture these people and the little things that come along with it. Appreciate life from the smallest thing, and when big things come, they will not change who you are. Our world is so caught up in the problems because we have all forgotten to appreciate what we already have. We too caught up in likes, follows, retweets and what we do not have and pay little attention to what we have. We do not see the blessings we already have.
How easy we forget.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Self Awareness,
Self Love,
Social Media,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Everything in this life is about choices. We are always going to make choices. The choice to wake up. The choice not to. Life always gives you many choices. It also gives you the choice to sit down and say I have no choice. Each and everyone of the choices we make will influence the set of choices life offers to us next time. It will also have consequences. And that is the thing that is troubling.
It is very important to not rush to taking a decision each time. Even with the small choices, because there's always going to be an after effect. Sometimes we the effects come when we've forgotten about the choices we made. Always stop, even if it's for a second, and ask yourself "what could happen next if you made a certain choice".
If someone shouts at you, what could happen next if you shouted back? If someone cheated on you, what could happen if your cheated back? If someone lied to you what could happen next if you stopped trusting whatever they say? Every choice is always going to have an outcome. Very often, when in the moment, we never stop to think of the outcomes. We let the moment tell us what choices to make, sometimes leading to regret.
Every choice you make right now will affect your path of life, either instantly or some time in the future. Always pause, and ask yourself, "What could happen next?".
Mbuelo Ramafamba
It is very important to not rush to taking a decision each time. Even with the small choices, because there's always going to be an after effect. Sometimes we the effects come when we've forgotten about the choices we made. Always stop, even if it's for a second, and ask yourself "what could happen next if you made a certain choice".
If someone shouts at you, what could happen next if you shouted back? If someone cheated on you, what could happen if your cheated back? If someone lied to you what could happen next if you stopped trusting whatever they say? Every choice is always going to have an outcome. Very often, when in the moment, we never stop to think of the outcomes. We let the moment tell us what choices to make, sometimes leading to regret.
Every choice you make right now will affect your path of life, either instantly or some time in the future. Always pause, and ask yourself, "What could happen next?".
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 13 May 2019
Many of us have had that one person whom we loved so much but the person lied, cheated or did both. Often times when this happens the same person will come apologising saying it was a mistake. Allow me to explain why I feel someone who lies and/or cheats isn't really sorry if they say it was a mistake. In fact, that's an apology that's just meant to manipulate you
If you really want to understand it, try looking into the meaning of a mistake and what makes a mistake what it is. It is based more on being unaware of what should have been done correctly. So for it to be a mistake, the person must've been unaware.
Going back to the cheaters and liars, are they not aware of their acts? The person know they are in a relationship or married, yet they choose to go ahead with it. They know the truth and are aware of the truth and choose to do it still. You can never make a mistake when you are well aware of your actions. They know the truth, and they know what they are doing, but because they do not value or respect you, they choose to go ahead with you. That is why they come back and say it was a mistake. How is it a mistake when you knew what you were doing was wrong and still did it? The only mistake in the whole thing is that they weren't aware that they might one day get caught. So if they say it was a mistake, you now know they are not apologising for what they did, but the fact that they got caught.
Also, they use the whole mistake excuse as a way to blackmail you to forgive and take them back. Often times, "it was a mistake" is followed by or meant to make you say something along the lines "Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes". But the truth is lying and cheating is not a mistake, so do not go out there feeling guilty, because if you fall for it, you will never find out the truth and will be taken for a fool. The lies will never stop for as long as you fall for the "it was a mistake" excuse. It is okay to forgive, but even when you do, do not tell yourself it was a mistake. It was not a mistake. Accept that before you forgive, then you will truly forgive the person. Though I'd advice to forgive and let go.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
If you really want to understand it, try looking into the meaning of a mistake and what makes a mistake what it is. It is based more on being unaware of what should have been done correctly. So for it to be a mistake, the person must've been unaware.
Going back to the cheaters and liars, are they not aware of their acts? The person know they are in a relationship or married, yet they choose to go ahead with it. They know the truth and are aware of the truth and choose to do it still. You can never make a mistake when you are well aware of your actions. They know the truth, and they know what they are doing, but because they do not value or respect you, they choose to go ahead with you. That is why they come back and say it was a mistake. How is it a mistake when you knew what you were doing was wrong and still did it? The only mistake in the whole thing is that they weren't aware that they might one day get caught. So if they say it was a mistake, you now know they are not apologising for what they did, but the fact that they got caught.
Also, they use the whole mistake excuse as a way to blackmail you to forgive and take them back. Often times, "it was a mistake" is followed by or meant to make you say something along the lines "Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes". But the truth is lying and cheating is not a mistake, so do not go out there feeling guilty, because if you fall for it, you will never find out the truth and will be taken for a fool. The lies will never stop for as long as you fall for the "it was a mistake" excuse. It is okay to forgive, but even when you do, do not tell yourself it was a mistake. It was not a mistake. Accept that before you forgive, then you will truly forgive the person. Though I'd advice to forgive and let go.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Friday, 10 May 2019
If life was like standing before a mirror, the past would be looking into your reflection's eyes and seeing the inner most pain, regret and mistakes. It would be the one thing few of us do. In fact, it is the one thing that few of us actually do. How many of us look deep into those eyes when standing in front of a mirror? How many of us want to think of the past?
I know many say it's best to leave the past behind, but sometimes the past will haunt you till you look at it in the eyes. Nobody wants to admit their mistakes, so we tend to avoid that inner conversation with the past. The world of today is moving away from facing things to more of "closing my eyes and hoping when I open them everything will be fine". And the sad part is, we close our eyes without praying. We run far away from anything and/or anyone that aims to correct us. We are too proud and individualistic.
But it is in the past where we learn what not to do today and tomorrow. It is in the past that we somehow get that enlightenment. You don't have to dwell in the past, but rather reflect on your progress from the past as well as checking if you are a better person or not. Are you still as naive, self centered as before? Are people still walking out of your life as before, and why? Reflecting is a way to find our mistakes and imperfection, then polishing them out. It is the only way you can plan your journey to happiness. Understanding your past and reflecting on it, will help you avoid going back to it a.k.a repeating it.
And no matter how hard you avoid reflecting, life will eventually force you to do it. On that one cold night alone. It will break you... In order to make you.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
I know many say it's best to leave the past behind, but sometimes the past will haunt you till you look at it in the eyes. Nobody wants to admit their mistakes, so we tend to avoid that inner conversation with the past. The world of today is moving away from facing things to more of "closing my eyes and hoping when I open them everything will be fine". And the sad part is, we close our eyes without praying. We run far away from anything and/or anyone that aims to correct us. We are too proud and individualistic.
But it is in the past where we learn what not to do today and tomorrow. It is in the past that we somehow get that enlightenment. You don't have to dwell in the past, but rather reflect on your progress from the past as well as checking if you are a better person or not. Are you still as naive, self centered as before? Are people still walking out of your life as before, and why? Reflecting is a way to find our mistakes and imperfection, then polishing them out. It is the only way you can plan your journey to happiness. Understanding your past and reflecting on it, will help you avoid going back to it a.k.a repeating it.
And no matter how hard you avoid reflecting, life will eventually force you to do it. On that one cold night alone. It will break you... In order to make you.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Self Awareness,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Monday, 6 May 2019
The weight of life can sometimes feel like it is too much. Sometimes it looks like things are falling apart. But it is all a matter of perspective. It is all a matter of where you look at it from. The glass is half empty, yet it is half full. It is about which side of the reality you want to be on.
Sometimes you think life is falling apart, while life is actually doing away with what you do not need and preparing you for what you need. Just because you want something doesn't necessarily mean you need it. Very often we get attached to the things we do not need but rather want. And sometimes our wants are shaped by our society and friends. We chase after all these things that we think will make us feel good, while in fact they will just add to our sorrows. It is an ever going emotionally taxing cycle.
But what if you looked at it from a different perspective when you lose all these things and people you want but do not need? What if you looked at it more as natural selection? Would it not help you let go of all these things and trust that it is the natural way that things are meant to be? Would it not help you heal and be less bitter and vengeful? Sometimes holding on to something will prevent something new from coming. Just as when a glass is full, you cannot pour anything into it. You first have to pour out what's in it, before putting in something else. And that is the problem with us. We try to force everything into one cup to fulfill our egos, and end up wondering why we have a bitter cocktail of life. You can't go mixing what's not supposed to be mixed and expect good results.
Let go. Pour out what's in your cup. Make space for what's to come. If life wants to pour it out for you, cry not. Let life pour it out, and make space for what's good for you. May you find strength and courage to accept it when life says somethings is not good for you, and to be able to let go.
Sometimes you think life is falling apart, while life is actually doing away with what you do not need and preparing you for what you need. Just because you want something doesn't necessarily mean you need it. Very often we get attached to the things we do not need but rather want. And sometimes our wants are shaped by our society and friends. We chase after all these things that we think will make us feel good, while in fact they will just add to our sorrows. It is an ever going emotionally taxing cycle.
But what if you looked at it from a different perspective when you lose all these things and people you want but do not need? What if you looked at it more as natural selection? Would it not help you let go of all these things and trust that it is the natural way that things are meant to be? Would it not help you heal and be less bitter and vengeful? Sometimes holding on to something will prevent something new from coming. Just as when a glass is full, you cannot pour anything into it. You first have to pour out what's in it, before putting in something else. And that is the problem with us. We try to force everything into one cup to fulfill our egos, and end up wondering why we have a bitter cocktail of life. You can't go mixing what's not supposed to be mixed and expect good results.
Let go. Pour out what's in your cup. Make space for what's to come. If life wants to pour it out for you, cry not. Let life pour it out, and make space for what's good for you. May you find strength and courage to accept it when life says somethings is not good for you, and to be able to let go.
Inner Peace,
Letting Go,
Self Awareness,
Self Love
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Friday, 3 May 2019
We all have our dreams and goals. I believe most of us are doing something to get to where we want to get. Sometimes it gets really hard, and sometimes it gets really easy. As long as you keep moving forward.
Remember to remember though, that it is your dream, and not other people's dream. When working towards your dream, there will be people around you with all sorts of comments and ideas. Only take in the good ones that will take you to the destination. Remember that the dream is yours and nobody understands it better than you. You are the one who sees the end, and knows how far you are from it. If other people reach their goals early, good for them, their race is finished; yours must carry on. Focus less on competing because the person you might want to compete with does not have the same dreams as you. You dream might be to create jobs for thousands of people while the other person's dream is to be one of those thousands of people. Remember the dream is yours, and shouldn't be measured by others.
Also remember to remember that not everyone will cheer for you. Just as soccer teams have fans and those who hate them, the same is true for dreamers and go-getters. Not everyone will be your biggest fan. Some people will try to bring you down with words and actions. The people that do not understand what you are chasing, and those that are envious will try to hold you back. It is a game of emotional intelligence. Hold yourself together, put in all your effort and trust God. Challenges will come, but remember the goals and dreams you have. Go out and make them a reality. Go out and prove it to yourself and others that it is possible. If you give up because of what someone said or did, you are the one who will have failed, and not the other person.
Remember, it is all on you.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Remember to remember though, that it is your dream, and not other people's dream. When working towards your dream, there will be people around you with all sorts of comments and ideas. Only take in the good ones that will take you to the destination. Remember that the dream is yours and nobody understands it better than you. You are the one who sees the end, and knows how far you are from it. If other people reach their goals early, good for them, their race is finished; yours must carry on. Focus less on competing because the person you might want to compete with does not have the same dreams as you. You dream might be to create jobs for thousands of people while the other person's dream is to be one of those thousands of people. Remember the dream is yours, and shouldn't be measured by others.
Also remember to remember that not everyone will cheer for you. Just as soccer teams have fans and those who hate them, the same is true for dreamers and go-getters. Not everyone will be your biggest fan. Some people will try to bring you down with words and actions. The people that do not understand what you are chasing, and those that are envious will try to hold you back. It is a game of emotional intelligence. Hold yourself together, put in all your effort and trust God. Challenges will come, but remember the goals and dreams you have. Go out and make them a reality. Go out and prove it to yourself and others that it is possible. If you give up because of what someone said or did, you are the one who will have failed, and not the other person.
Remember, it is all on you.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Self Awareness,
Self Love,
Software Development,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Being a youth is a blessing. A blessing many seem to misunderstand. You ought to enjoy your youthful. However, many mistake enjoying their youth for destroying their future. It is common sight these days. Youth throwing their youthfulness away in the name of "Enjoying being young".
So how are we supposed to enjoy our youth? A simple line I always says to myself sums it all up. "Stay awake now, and sleep later". I know some of you may get jumpy thinking I mean stay awake all night drinking your youth away, and sleep the whole weekend. Unfortunately, that is not what I mean. It more about understanding that you have the energy, brains and time now, than you will have in the next 10 years.
It is best to stay awake now, working towards building your future, so when you get old you get to sleep in peace. Work hard while you are still your own dependent or have few dependents, as a time will come where they will be others crying. If you do not prepare now, you will never sleep when you get old. But if you prepare now, they will not bother you when they arrive. Many of us just want joy and fun, and we want it now. We think we will stay young forever. But we don't stay young forever; neither do we live forever.
Being a youth means you have time to make the foundation that your future self will be cemented on. Sometimes it will feel like it's not worth it, as you work so hard and see little results. But very often, this teaches us lesson and gives us experiences which will come in handy in the future. Use the time you have now to learn as much as you can. Instead of going out each weekend, have time indoors wherein you read and watch videos and new, relating to your career or business.
The truth is, if you work hard now, you will have enough reason and time to celebrate in the future. But if you try to celebrate the minuscule achievement now, you will have nothing to celebrate in the future. You may as well be celebrating your future downfall and lack. Prioritise what is important and put in effort and time.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
So how are we supposed to enjoy our youth? A simple line I always says to myself sums it all up. "Stay awake now, and sleep later". I know some of you may get jumpy thinking I mean stay awake all night drinking your youth away, and sleep the whole weekend. Unfortunately, that is not what I mean. It more about understanding that you have the energy, brains and time now, than you will have in the next 10 years.
It is best to stay awake now, working towards building your future, so when you get old you get to sleep in peace. Work hard while you are still your own dependent or have few dependents, as a time will come where they will be others crying. If you do not prepare now, you will never sleep when you get old. But if you prepare now, they will not bother you when they arrive. Many of us just want joy and fun, and we want it now. We think we will stay young forever. But we don't stay young forever; neither do we live forever.
Being a youth means you have time to make the foundation that your future self will be cemented on. Sometimes it will feel like it's not worth it, as you work so hard and see little results. But very often, this teaches us lesson and gives us experiences which will come in handy in the future. Use the time you have now to learn as much as you can. Instead of going out each weekend, have time indoors wherein you read and watch videos and new, relating to your career or business.
The truth is, if you work hard now, you will have enough reason and time to celebrate in the future. But if you try to celebrate the minuscule achievement now, you will have nothing to celebrate in the future. You may as well be celebrating your future downfall and lack. Prioritise what is important and put in effort and time.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Artificial Intelligence,
Edenvale, 1609, South Africa
Monday, 29 April 2019
I wasn't planning to write about this today, but a lot has happened which has led to me writing this. I am writing it out of a concerned and caring heart for each and everyone of you out there.
Times are not getting easier for anyone, especially with the current global economic downswing. Many people have gotten used to the life they had before and sometimes it's just too hard to downgrade. Many who have put up a front of living the good life cannot/do not want to live anything less. And this has created a very big problem which many are not aware of. Abuse and psychological issues.
We often see those around us, including friends, showing off the good life on. Be it in person or on social media, these people always seem to be happy. And we as they close friends or loved ones, encourage such behavior. Our comments, and behavior around these people, though not meant to harm, actually do harm. We are often not too real with these people. And sometimes they do not feel free around us. What we need is an open environment with loved ones. A real environment of truth and openness wherein we are all free to express how we feel.
With regards to women, this good life chase, can at times be a mask to hide the abuse. And if we as such a person's friends do not make her feel free enough to open up without fear of shaming, then we are failing as friends. Both male and female friends of such a person should make the person feel free enough to talk about anything. We need to be real friends to those around us, and not just the 'rich' one but all of our friends. There have recently been many cases of women who were being abused but hiding behind the good life. There are many more out there, and it takes you and me by being friends to actually get these people to open up. And when they do, we ought to make them feel protected, with no shaming or judgments.
Another issue is with regards to emotional and psychological states. This is something that can affect anyone, and society doesn't want to openly talk about it. Many people who took their lives could've been saved had they had good friends who listen. Often times we can tell when someone is not alright. But instead of making the person feel free to open up and reassuring them our love and protection, we carry on as if everything is normal. And when we lose the person, we then want to claim we loved them. Sometimes it takes just a hug and reminding your friends how much you love them, in order for them to open up.
I urge you all to go out and be positive and observant. Go and be great support system. Be real with those around you. Remind them that it's okay to cry and ask for help. Show them your support and protection. You will save someone's life by doing so. Create an open environment which encourages speaking out. Do not be that person who shows love as the coffin goes down. Show the love while the person is still around. Let's us go and change the world and make it an environment where we all grow together and take care of one another.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Times are not getting easier for anyone, especially with the current global economic downswing. Many people have gotten used to the life they had before and sometimes it's just too hard to downgrade. Many who have put up a front of living the good life cannot/do not want to live anything less. And this has created a very big problem which many are not aware of. Abuse and psychological issues.
We often see those around us, including friends, showing off the good life on. Be it in person or on social media, these people always seem to be happy. And we as they close friends or loved ones, encourage such behavior. Our comments, and behavior around these people, though not meant to harm, actually do harm. We are often not too real with these people. And sometimes they do not feel free around us. What we need is an open environment with loved ones. A real environment of truth and openness wherein we are all free to express how we feel.
With regards to women, this good life chase, can at times be a mask to hide the abuse. And if we as such a person's friends do not make her feel free enough to open up without fear of shaming, then we are failing as friends. Both male and female friends of such a person should make the person feel free enough to talk about anything. We need to be real friends to those around us, and not just the 'rich' one but all of our friends. There have recently been many cases of women who were being abused but hiding behind the good life. There are many more out there, and it takes you and me by being friends to actually get these people to open up. And when they do, we ought to make them feel protected, with no shaming or judgments.
Another issue is with regards to emotional and psychological states. This is something that can affect anyone, and society doesn't want to openly talk about it. Many people who took their lives could've been saved had they had good friends who listen. Often times we can tell when someone is not alright. But instead of making the person feel free to open up and reassuring them our love and protection, we carry on as if everything is normal. And when we lose the person, we then want to claim we loved them. Sometimes it takes just a hug and reminding your friends how much you love them, in order for them to open up.
I urge you all to go out and be positive and observant. Go and be great support system. Be real with those around you. Remind them that it's okay to cry and ask for help. Show them your support and protection. You will save someone's life by doing so. Create an open environment which encourages speaking out. Do not be that person who shows love as the coffin goes down. Show the love while the person is still around. Let's us go and change the world and make it an environment where we all grow together and take care of one another.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Social Media,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Friday, 26 April 2019
We've been having InfiEarth for a long time now, and some of you may not really understand the true meaning of it. Why infinite earth? Why that name of all names? Is there more to it or is it just a name?
InfiEarth is not just a name. It an attitude and a way of life. It is a reaction to the world we live in. Our world has many problems facing it, some of which threaten it's existence. Because we are not advancing fast enough, our world is taking punishment for it. The lack of growth and care is tearing the fabric of society. We are faced with pollution, global warming, natural disasters, hunger, poverty and pandemics. Not a week goes by without a headline concerning these matters.
We are all trying to get solutions but we fail to understand that our attitude is very important in solving this. We first need to believe that it is possible before we try to do it. We need a positive attitude and to foresee it happen. Once we believe in an infinite world where there is infinite possibilities and resources for all who live in it, then we can go onto the next step of being a solution. If each one of us were to dedicate ourselves, with belief, to bring solutions, then we will see our world become a better place.
Go out there and work towards an infinite world.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
InfiEarth is not just a name. It an attitude and a way of life. It is a reaction to the world we live in. Our world has many problems facing it, some of which threaten it's existence. Because we are not advancing fast enough, our world is taking punishment for it. The lack of growth and care is tearing the fabric of society. We are faced with pollution, global warming, natural disasters, hunger, poverty and pandemics. Not a week goes by without a headline concerning these matters.
We are all trying to get solutions but we fail to understand that our attitude is very important in solving this. We first need to believe that it is possible before we try to do it. We need a positive attitude and to foresee it happen. Once we believe in an infinite world where there is infinite possibilities and resources for all who live in it, then we can go onto the next step of being a solution. If each one of us were to dedicate ourselves, with belief, to bring solutions, then we will see our world become a better place.
Go out there and work towards an infinite world.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Global Warming,
World peace
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
First of all allow me to apologise for having not written anything the past Friday and Monday. We all know Easter was upon us. I too needed some time off away from everything and just have time alone to think about my life. And something dawned on me in the middle of those thoughts. It was more of a voice in my head. "You do realise that one day you might just show up dead in a ditch right?" the voice said. I've never laughed so hard in my laugh. I mean, what could possibly lead to that? I live a very 'dull' life for most right?
Well I was missing the point. The point wasn't how I would die (God help me that I don't end up in a ditch somewhere). The point is that we are all going to die. Now as much as many may think it's okay to lazy around because you are going to die some day, I actually want to focus on the opposite to that. Ask yourself one question. If I were to show up dead in ditch tomorrow, what would people remember me for? Would I be remembered as the ditch corpse? Or would I be remembered for something more positive?
How are you living your life? That was the main aim of the voice in my head. To remind me that I need to give life my best. Very often we get too comfortable and forget to keep chasing greatness. But we forget that tomorrow is not promised. I just want to challenge all of you to go out there with positivity, aiming to be the best you can be. Contribute positively into the world and help make it a better place. That way if you end dead in a ditch somewhere, we will remember you good works. You will be remembered as the person who did a lot for society. Be an answer in this life. Spread positive energy.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Well I was missing the point. The point wasn't how I would die (God help me that I don't end up in a ditch somewhere). The point is that we are all going to die. Now as much as many may think it's okay to lazy around because you are going to die some day, I actually want to focus on the opposite to that. Ask yourself one question. If I were to show up dead in ditch tomorrow, what would people remember me for? Would I be remembered as the ditch corpse? Or would I be remembered for something more positive?
How are you living your life? That was the main aim of the voice in my head. To remind me that I need to give life my best. Very often we get too comfortable and forget to keep chasing greatness. But we forget that tomorrow is not promised. I just want to challenge all of you to go out there with positivity, aiming to be the best you can be. Contribute positively into the world and help make it a better place. That way if you end dead in a ditch somewhere, we will remember you good works. You will be remembered as the person who did a lot for society. Be an answer in this life. Spread positive energy.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Free Gift,
Self Awareness,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Monday, 15 April 2019
Yes you may underestimate the art in me
The words I put and you call it poetry
For me it's only word of my revolution
A search for answers and desperate solutions
For your minds it serves as a nursery
Wise words you ought to read with cautionary
For they force man to explore his boundaries
To say his mind out fearlessly
Call me not a poet, I am not one
All of this is just words in my mind
Floods of feelings and emotions I can't overcome
Though this journey has long begun
Though in each writing I have my fun
I still search for myself day and night
I try to say out the words that cluster my mind
Like a ticking bomb that shows no time
My eyes leak as I gaze at our world
Everyday it is by sin, whirled
I will not stop till I free my world
Through this art that my voice is heard
The words in me are finally unfurled
When by words I have educated
Shined the light on those who are blinded
Peace is not found in this world
Peace is found in oneself
Express yourself, say it with words
Pick up a pen and paper and get down
Use your potent hand to dry out the ocean
Tears of endless pain and frowns
The love you seek you can make real
It only takes words to tell your story
Words can really go a long way
Through words I search for who I am
I venture off to the limits of man
I take myself the furthest I can
I create my world, and free myself
From the sin of this world and corrupt man
The universe: created by words
Words: uniting the universe
I am words and my words shall be heard
I will not stop writing, even when it hurts
Even when it rains and inside I burn
Burning my umbrellla with my pain like flames
Yet feeling cold on the inside
Though by words I've been hurt
Each time I survive and I learn
Each day, leaves behind a story to tell
Words words words
Please world, learn to use words
Express yourself...
Friday, 12 April 2019
Good day to all my beautiful readers. I trust you are having a wonderful Friday just like me. Unfortunately today I have a very short notice. I will not be writing like I usually do. And that is because I am in my birthday vibes and also because I have 2 surprises for you. Read on, you will find out what the surprises are.
So tomorrow is my birthday (13th April). And since April babies are cool babies, I decided to include you guys into my celebration with a gift. Drum roll please.
So from today and tomorrow (12 -13 April), that's 48 hours, my kindle book which is exclusively available on Amazon will be on a special. A very very special special where you don't have to pay anything to get that book in the next 48 hours. Yes, you heard it right. As a gift to everyone, I will be giving the book away for FREE. Help me celebrate my birthday and share the gift I have shared with you. Pass this message on to others. The book is available HERE. Just click and it will take you to the book. Otherwise, I have embedded a preview as well as a buy button right here on InfiEarth on your top right.
And now for the second surprise which is also part of the future plans. Are you ready for it? Well, there is a new baby in the house. InfiEarth has a little brother now. A new blog in which I have decided to use to share my journey as a programmer with you guys and potential programmers out there. I will be sharing programming material only. InfiEarth will still carry on, on the regular Mon, Wed and Fri time table. But the new baby, INFICODING, will get a post weekly.
Visit my new blog at
Happy Weekend and stay safe.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
So tomorrow is my birthday (13th April). And since April babies are cool babies, I decided to include you guys into my celebration with a gift. Drum roll please.
So from today and tomorrow (12 -13 April), that's 48 hours, my kindle book which is exclusively available on Amazon will be on a special. A very very special special where you don't have to pay anything to get that book in the next 48 hours. Yes, you heard it right. As a gift to everyone, I will be giving the book away for FREE. Help me celebrate my birthday and share the gift I have shared with you. Pass this message on to others. The book is available HERE. Just click and it will take you to the book. Otherwise, I have embedded a preview as well as a buy button right here on InfiEarth on your top right.
And now for the second surprise which is also part of the future plans. Are you ready for it? Well, there is a new baby in the house. InfiEarth has a little brother now. A new blog in which I have decided to use to share my journey as a programmer with you guys and potential programmers out there. I will be sharing programming material only. InfiEarth will still carry on, on the regular Mon, Wed and Fri time table. But the new baby, INFICODING, will get a post weekly.
Visit my new blog at
Happy Weekend and stay safe.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Our journeys in life differ, and so do the challenges. For some of us, we've had to really struggle hard to get to the next point in life, and even when we reach it, the struggle just gets worse. We often have to get by with the assistance of those around us. And when one day when things get better, we must remember these people. But who are these people?
I will touch on 3 types of people we are most likely to encounter in the struggles of life. Let's start with the one that you don't have to remember. These are the people who saw you starving, had excess and even threw some away, but never invited you in to eat no matter how hard you struggled. They saw how hard you worked and often did tell you how strong you were, but not even once did they offer anything to help ease your hunger. They knew they could assist you in getting your life better but just didn't care. They either didn't care or outright didn't want you to make it at all. When you wine and dine like a king, it's okay if you do not remember these people.
The next group is those who invited you in to eat. However, it will be divided into those you should remember, and those whom you may not. It seems not to make sense to say you may not remember someone who helped you, but it will soon. In this life, there are people who will genuinely help you out of their hearts. And there are people who just want to exercise control over you in the form of helping. The people who are quick to remind to "never bite the hand that feeds you". These people are worse than the people who didn't even offer assistance at all.
These are the people who will invite you in when you hungry, but will give you the food in a dog's bowl, and tell you to appreciate what you have been given. They enjoy seeing you in the state of suffering because it gives them some control over you. It may seem like they are truly helpful while in fact they just want you to be stuck so you keep coming back to them. These are the people who want you to make it but to never exceed the limits they set for you; which are normally set very low. They will start having a problem when you can afford to feed yourself in this life. They turn from the angels they were pretending to be, into demons that want to destroy you. I once had a friend who used to say they had my back. The signs were there that this friend didn't have my back because they constantly tried to drag me down if I ever seemed to exceed their limits. It all got to an extreme when my career started showing signs of growth, and their colors came out in full force. I was told every possible hurting word a person can say. Why? All because I offered a Christmas gift. The problem wasn't me or the gift, but the problem was that I could now stand on my own. The person needed me to always rely on them, and when I did they tried to destroy me with words. If you invite these people in, the least you can expect is for them to poison your feast.
And finally there are those whom you ought to bring to you table when you start feasting like a king. These are the people who shared with you when they too had little. When they had much, they shared with you in a way that gave you dignity. They kept encouraging you and telling you that one day you will feast like a king. They fed you with motivation, financial assistance and emotional support. All they wanted was for you to make it in life. You will see these people by celebrating with you when things get better. They will be with you when it rains, and when the sun comes out. And when things get better, they celebrate positively tell you to aim for the moon. These are people who believe in you. People who starved with you. People who were honest with you. Never lied to you or tried to use you for their own agendas. People who didn't have hidden motives. When you make it in life, always remember these people and never leave them outside to starve. They sacrificed themselves for you out of love. The least you can do is love them back.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
I will touch on 3 types of people we are most likely to encounter in the struggles of life. Let's start with the one that you don't have to remember. These are the people who saw you starving, had excess and even threw some away, but never invited you in to eat no matter how hard you struggled. They saw how hard you worked and often did tell you how strong you were, but not even once did they offer anything to help ease your hunger. They knew they could assist you in getting your life better but just didn't care. They either didn't care or outright didn't want you to make it at all. When you wine and dine like a king, it's okay if you do not remember these people.
The next group is those who invited you in to eat. However, it will be divided into those you should remember, and those whom you may not. It seems not to make sense to say you may not remember someone who helped you, but it will soon. In this life, there are people who will genuinely help you out of their hearts. And there are people who just want to exercise control over you in the form of helping. The people who are quick to remind to "never bite the hand that feeds you". These people are worse than the people who didn't even offer assistance at all.
These are the people who will invite you in when you hungry, but will give you the food in a dog's bowl, and tell you to appreciate what you have been given. They enjoy seeing you in the state of suffering because it gives them some control over you. It may seem like they are truly helpful while in fact they just want you to be stuck so you keep coming back to them. These are the people who want you to make it but to never exceed the limits they set for you; which are normally set very low. They will start having a problem when you can afford to feed yourself in this life. They turn from the angels they were pretending to be, into demons that want to destroy you. I once had a friend who used to say they had my back. The signs were there that this friend didn't have my back because they constantly tried to drag me down if I ever seemed to exceed their limits. It all got to an extreme when my career started showing signs of growth, and their colors came out in full force. I was told every possible hurting word a person can say. Why? All because I offered a Christmas gift. The problem wasn't me or the gift, but the problem was that I could now stand on my own. The person needed me to always rely on them, and when I did they tried to destroy me with words. If you invite these people in, the least you can expect is for them to poison your feast.
And finally there are those whom you ought to bring to you table when you start feasting like a king. These are the people who shared with you when they too had little. When they had much, they shared with you in a way that gave you dignity. They kept encouraging you and telling you that one day you will feast like a king. They fed you with motivation, financial assistance and emotional support. All they wanted was for you to make it in life. You will see these people by celebrating with you when things get better. They will be with you when it rains, and when the sun comes out. And when things get better, they celebrate positively tell you to aim for the moon. These are people who believe in you. People who starved with you. People who were honest with you. Never lied to you or tried to use you for their own agendas. People who didn't have hidden motives. When you make it in life, always remember these people and never leave them outside to starve. They sacrificed themselves for you out of love. The least you can do is love them back.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Letting Go,
Mental Awareness,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Monday, 8 April 2019
What a wonderful time it is to be alive. To start this week on a positive, let's discuss the issue of taking care of health and loving yourself.
Loving yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself. It is a gift no one else will give to you better than you can. Show people how they should love you by loving yourself first. You are the one who knows yourself best. Very often people are left sad and lonely because they give out so much love and never stop to give themselves the very same love. This week, I urge you to pause, and love yourself. Have time to sit down and reflect on how far you've come and how strong you are. After all this time of neglecting yourself, you owe it to yourself to show yourself love. Give yourself that hug you've always been giving out to others when they needed someone.
Let it not just end with the love, but also take care of your health. Take care of your health is not just the usual exercise and eating healthy. I will assume you already know that that's the foundation to good health. But on top of exercising and healthy diets, you also need to take care of what you feed you head and emotions. Your thoughts are just as important as the food you eat. Who you spend time with, talk to and what you talk about is just as important. Expose yourself to positive things only and cut off negativity from your life. It is very easy to get caught up in negativity and pity parties. Change your thoughts and start seeing yourself as beautiful and deserving. Go out and make plans believing in yourself that you can do it. Exercise and healthy food will do nothing for you if you mind isn't in it's right place.
I challenge you to love yourself and take care of your health. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Loving yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself. It is a gift no one else will give to you better than you can. Show people how they should love you by loving yourself first. You are the one who knows yourself best. Very often people are left sad and lonely because they give out so much love and never stop to give themselves the very same love. This week, I urge you to pause, and love yourself. Have time to sit down and reflect on how far you've come and how strong you are. After all this time of neglecting yourself, you owe it to yourself to show yourself love. Give yourself that hug you've always been giving out to others when they needed someone.
Let it not just end with the love, but also take care of your health. Take care of your health is not just the usual exercise and eating healthy. I will assume you already know that that's the foundation to good health. But on top of exercising and healthy diets, you also need to take care of what you feed you head and emotions. Your thoughts are just as important as the food you eat. Who you spend time with, talk to and what you talk about is just as important. Expose yourself to positive things only and cut off negativity from your life. It is very easy to get caught up in negativity and pity parties. Change your thoughts and start seeing yourself as beautiful and deserving. Go out and make plans believing in yourself that you can do it. Exercise and healthy food will do nothing for you if you mind isn't in it's right place.
I challenge you to love yourself and take care of your health. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Friday, 5 April 2019
In his song Three Little Birds, Bob Marley said " Don't worry about a thing 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright". Everyday we see people worrying. I too worry many times. We as human tend to give worry a lot of power than we should.
I have recently been in a very difficult position. A position wherein I wasn't and still am not sure of what will happen, since all the power to make things work for the best lies in someone's hands. And that is the case with many of us out there. There's always that something that keeps us worrying, which we have no control over. We worry because we do not know what decision or action the person in control will take.
But have you ever asked yourself, 'What will worrying do' ? Will worrying influence the person to take a decision in your favour? Will worrying make things any better? Why then are you wasting your time worrying when you know your worry will do nothing positive for you? Worrying will only take away from your mental and physical health. Worrying is like choosing to pick up a ton and putting it on your back, especially when you have no control over what you are worrying about. It will only hurt you and weigh you down. Let go of the worry because there is nothing it will do for you.
Once you start realising that worrying does nothing for you, you will start seeing that it is a waste of time to worry. Why do something that will not benefit you in any way? Why give it so much power?
Do not be anxious. Do not worry. It will only take away your focus.
I have recently been in a very difficult position. A position wherein I wasn't and still am not sure of what will happen, since all the power to make things work for the best lies in someone's hands. And that is the case with many of us out there. There's always that something that keeps us worrying, which we have no control over. We worry because we do not know what decision or action the person in control will take.
But have you ever asked yourself, 'What will worrying do' ? Will worrying influence the person to take a decision in your favour? Will worrying make things any better? Why then are you wasting your time worrying when you know your worry will do nothing positive for you? Worrying will only take away from your mental and physical health. Worrying is like choosing to pick up a ton and putting it on your back, especially when you have no control over what you are worrying about. It will only hurt you and weigh you down. Let go of the worry because there is nothing it will do for you.
Once you start realising that worrying does nothing for you, you will start seeing that it is a waste of time to worry. Why do something that will not benefit you in any way? Why give it so much power?
Do not be anxious. Do not worry. It will only take away your focus.
1 Peter 5: 6-7
"6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
Further bible reading: Matthew 6: 25-34
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Further bible reading: Matthew 6: 25-34
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Inner Peace,
Letting Go,
Self Love,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
The world is forever changing, with billions of data and new technology being introduced daily. Our world is expanding at a rate which we as human are lagging when it comes to getting a grasp of all the changes. And the speed at which it is happening increases exponentially. Many fear these new changes and developments, and some love them.
It is a matter of which side of the fence you are on. These technologies can make your life easier or a living hell. The reality of today is that we have to adapt and embrace these changes, in order to fit them into our daily lives. Resistance is what will make it difficult for us. I am not referring to operating a smart phone or personal computer, but rather adventuring into different productivity softwares, and understanding at least one of the language these machines and technologies communicate in.
I know it looks like I am crazy with actually advising to learn the languages, but the world of tomorrow will favor those who understand at least the basics of these languages. And the languages have recently gotten much better for anyone to just take them up and do wonders with them. Learning these technologies, both hardware and software, give you a much better understanding of them, which will allow you to modify, streamline and even create newer processes which help you complete your duties much faster.
The world is running faster than those who are driving the changes, and it calls for all to adapt quickly. Lagging will be repaid by redundancy. The world of tomorrow will be for those who befriend these technologies and harness their powers to make their lives better. Those are the people who will incorporate these technologies in their daily lives and make these technologies work for them. The startups of today are born global due to these technologies. Technology rewards those who embrace it and it isn't so kind to those who don't.
Do not fear these changes. ADAPT AND STRIVE.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
It is a matter of which side of the fence you are on. These technologies can make your life easier or a living hell. The reality of today is that we have to adapt and embrace these changes, in order to fit them into our daily lives. Resistance is what will make it difficult for us. I am not referring to operating a smart phone or personal computer, but rather adventuring into different productivity softwares, and understanding at least one of the language these machines and technologies communicate in.
I know it looks like I am crazy with actually advising to learn the languages, but the world of tomorrow will favor those who understand at least the basics of these languages. And the languages have recently gotten much better for anyone to just take them up and do wonders with them. Learning these technologies, both hardware and software, give you a much better understanding of them, which will allow you to modify, streamline and even create newer processes which help you complete your duties much faster.
The world is running faster than those who are driving the changes, and it calls for all to adapt quickly. Lagging will be repaid by redundancy. The world of tomorrow will be for those who befriend these technologies and harness their powers to make their lives better. Those are the people who will incorporate these technologies in their daily lives and make these technologies work for them. The startups of today are born global due to these technologies. Technology rewards those who embrace it and it isn't so kind to those who don't.
Do not fear these changes. ADAPT AND STRIVE.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 1 April 2019
I have recently been going through a lot. The transition from March to April, is always a season that really hits me hard all the time. April 13th is also my birthday. I get very anxious during this time, especially the week before my birthday. Many terrible things have happened during this time, so it is one of those. In 2016, I was diagnosed with anxiety and borderline personality disorder (BPD), just a week after my 21st birthday. What a birthday gift, haha. And today I just wanted to share how I've managed to cope and manage my condition through prayer.
It wasn't easy at first, as I was asking myself many questions. I knew and felt it before that something was wrong, but not that kind of wrong. It wasn't easy for me to accept it, because I kept asking why me. Looking at the medical prescription just made me feel like I was living in a nightmare. Then came the weight gain, which meant I had to get new clothes. The problems kept piling up. It was one day when I was reading my bible that I had an aha moment. I was reading Psalm 23, and when I got to verse 5, a voice inside of me arose with a very difficult question. "He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies, but where are you?", the voice asked.
It dawned on me that many of us like to quote that verse, yet we are nowhere near where the table is. We say it all the time but do not understand that we have to go where God is in order to enjoy the feast. We want to be out in the rain, in the world of sin, and just magically have a table prepared for us just because we quote the verse. But the reality is we have to go back to the house of God and be where the table is. We have been chosen as royals deserving of a royal table, yet we venture the streets like common man and wonder why we cannot see the table.
It was at this moment that I found my inspiration to write my first book titled "Return Home: The Shepherd Awaits". You can find it on the top right of this blog if you want a copy. I must also confess, that I didn't think I could do it, and it took me a whole year and a half to finish writing the book. Each time I tried writing, the devil would remind me of my sinful past and my guilt would stop me. But I finally got to understand the great sacrifice, which was Christ, and how His blood renewed us and brought us back from sin. The truth is, God is waiting for us so we can come back home and feast with him. He wants us to go to Him with a repentant heart, and to pray with faith. Whenever you feel lost, always ask yourself how close you are to God. If you realise you are not close, repent at that very moment and return home. Repent at that very moment and ask God to draw you close. God loves a repentant heart and is ready to forgive us and renew our lives. Just go and read these verses for confirmation of His love.
Romans 2:5 ~ Luke 13:3 ~ Ezekiel 18:21-23 ~ 2 Timothy 2:25 ~ Acts 3:19 ~ Proverbs 28:13
2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ John 3:16 ~ 1 John 1:9 ~ Romans 2:5
Repent. It is not too late and you are never too much of a sinner to repent.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
It wasn't easy at first, as I was asking myself many questions. I knew and felt it before that something was wrong, but not that kind of wrong. It wasn't easy for me to accept it, because I kept asking why me. Looking at the medical prescription just made me feel like I was living in a nightmare. Then came the weight gain, which meant I had to get new clothes. The problems kept piling up. It was one day when I was reading my bible that I had an aha moment. I was reading Psalm 23, and when I got to verse 5, a voice inside of me arose with a very difficult question. "He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies, but where are you?", the voice asked.
It dawned on me that many of us like to quote that verse, yet we are nowhere near where the table is. We say it all the time but do not understand that we have to go where God is in order to enjoy the feast. We want to be out in the rain, in the world of sin, and just magically have a table prepared for us just because we quote the verse. But the reality is we have to go back to the house of God and be where the table is. We have been chosen as royals deserving of a royal table, yet we venture the streets like common man and wonder why we cannot see the table.
It was at this moment that I found my inspiration to write my first book titled "Return Home: The Shepherd Awaits". You can find it on the top right of this blog if you want a copy. I must also confess, that I didn't think I could do it, and it took me a whole year and a half to finish writing the book. Each time I tried writing, the devil would remind me of my sinful past and my guilt would stop me. But I finally got to understand the great sacrifice, which was Christ, and how His blood renewed us and brought us back from sin. The truth is, God is waiting for us so we can come back home and feast with him. He wants us to go to Him with a repentant heart, and to pray with faith. Whenever you feel lost, always ask yourself how close you are to God. If you realise you are not close, repent at that very moment and return home. Repent at that very moment and ask God to draw you close. God loves a repentant heart and is ready to forgive us and renew our lives. Just go and read these verses for confirmation of His love.
Romans 2:5 ~ Luke 13:3 ~ Ezekiel 18:21-23 ~ 2 Timothy 2:25 ~ Acts 3:19 ~ Proverbs 28:13
2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ John 3:16 ~ 1 John 1:9 ~ Romans 2:5
Repent. It is not too late and you are never too much of a sinner to repent.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
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It's time to let go
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The trials of life never end. Day by day we are being tried. There is always something that might break us or make us. Sometimes we break, s...
What a wonderful time it is to be alive. To start this week on a positive, let's discuss the issue of taking care of health and loving y...
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