I have recently been going through my old writings which I found in my google drive. It has been a long journey. Travelled to the dark abyss and back to the light again. What a journey it has been. Today's blog is inspired by the reflections that followed after reading everything.
In life, we are like sailors at sea. No one knows what the sea holds for them each day, but we all pray and hope it has the best for us. Some do not even know where they are sailing to. And for those who do, some do not know the way to get to where they want to get to. To those drifting with the oceans, and those who are trying to sail to a destination, remember to enjoy the scenery. The journey itself is just as important as the destination. There is always going to be an element of surprise when you in this sea of life. Some will surprise you, and some will really surprise you.
Then there will be days when there are storms. We only have different boats and thus the behaviour during a storm will be different. But each of us is given a boat according to our strengths. The smaller the boat, the more strength you have, and will gain. Imagine a small wooden fishing boat out at sea in a raging storm. It would definitely take a lot of skills to survive that. And the truth is, we all have it in us to sail that tiny boat to our destination. It might be an island, or another continent, but we have the skills. You have the skill. I have the skills. The oceans will rock you back and fourth, and at times you will see your life flash before your eyes. Do not give in to the ocean. There is always a storm before a calm(haha, I know I switched that).
There might be other sailors around, but none will abandon their ship to come save you, leaving theirs to sink. They may try their best to help in other ways, but do not expect them to drop everything for you. That is how life is. No one will drop everything for you, because each one of us is going to the same storm in the same sea. And you have the strength to make it with the little or no assistance that you have. In the end it will build your character and make you a strong person. Rough seas make the best sailors.You just need to face the fear and tell yourself, I can do this.
This is for all of you out there who might be feeling discouraged, defeated or helpless. You are not helpless. You have yourself and your boat. Keep sailing on. If you stop you will not get to where you are supposed to go. Do not give in. The scary moments will be your battle scars one day. You will look back at where you have been, and be thankful you never gave up. It doesn't matter how hard it gets, or how much it feels like death is upon you.KEEP SAILING ON.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Welcome to an infinite earth. A community where we believe in the infinite nature of our universe. Working hard each day to discover our infinite nature,and make the world a better place
Friday, 29 March 2019
Mental Awareness,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Many of you will probably hate me after this, and for that, I apologise. However, it is necessary for me to write this as per my observations. My aim is to help and not hurt, but the truth does hurt in the end. I'd rather hurt you with truth than make you smile with lies.
We have all been hurt or experienced pain one way or another in this life. The cause might have been many things ranging from violence to rejection. No one is absolved. It is part of this life. There is always going to be some sort of pain or loss.Some get over it pretty quick and some do not. It all depends also on the degree of hurt we've suffered. Some people taking longer and need counseling to get over it, while some just enjoy being sorrowful and having everyone feel sorry for themselves. The latter is often true when it comes to failed relationships.
The problem is as human beings we are proud creatures. Pride is one thing that worsens it for us. We think we are too special and shouldn't have to go through such. We are often egocentric in nature and feel we can do as we please with no repercussions, yet we have a problem when others do the same towards us. This combined with hurt and pain, often turns to bitterness and hate towards others. Sometimes we do not want to admit that we are just being bitter, and blame it on 'I've been hurt'.
The bitterness boils so much that it ends in negative and judgmental statement all the time. You get parents tell their children not to get married because their marriage failed. They do not want to accept that it is their marriage that failed, and thus blame it on everything they can find as long as it's not them. You get youth busy influencing their friends to be promiscuous because their relationship failed and they've concluded that everyone is the same.
But there are other serious cases which arise from bitterness. Sometimes people try to destroy other because of the bitterness. When everyone is being positive, they always have to find something negative about the person. Their aim is to destroy the person but they do not realise that they are attracting negative energy towards themselves. They are constantly surrounding themselves with negative thought and actions. They are out to destroy and will stop at nothing. They may spread rumors, bash others with words or try to sabotage the other person systematically. But because they are always looking out for a negative thing to use to destroy someone, they do not see that they are attracting more negativity towards themselves, than they are dishing out to others. In the end they get addicted to the negativity and always want to be 'hurt' in order to justify their bitterness.
And if they fail, they resort to pity parties. They strive on attention and use it to reassert their bitterness and negativity. This usually happens when they have tried all their best to destroy others and have failed. They do not want to admit that they have failed, so they'd rather be the victim. This way they can paint the other person as the villain, since they are the victim. They gather people who will reassert and validate them as a victim. And the more they carry on, the deeper they go in it. Negativity is like sink sand. It strives on bitterness, hate, envy, jealousy and a victim mentality.
The truth is if everyone was to be bitter about things you did to them, you'd have more people trying to destroy you than the ones you are trying to destroy. You'd have more people with a lot of negative things to say about you than you can say about others. Get off that high horse and start being positive about life. You bitterness is sinking you in a lot of negativity that will push everyone away and destroy you in the end. You unjustified bursts of anger towards those who love you and care about you, in the name of 'I am a hurt victim' will push them away. Stop trying to destroy or bring down others because there are other people out there whom you've hurt also. Pain is not pain only when it's felt by you. Pain is pain even when you are the one causing it.
Get rid of the negativity and you will see your life turn around. Get rid of the bitterness and you will see you heart heal. Forget the pity parties and bitterness trains that you enjoy with bitter people like you, and focus more on the positive side of life. Work hard and conquer the pain instead of working hard at victimising and destroying yourself. Stop going nowhere in reverse at top speed, and start doing something positive with your. You will not get anything out of destroying the other person. You will just want to destroy more people once you are done and will only create more enemies, and probably one who is more bitter than you who will destroy you.
Forgive others if you want to be forgiven.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
We have all been hurt or experienced pain one way or another in this life. The cause might have been many things ranging from violence to rejection. No one is absolved. It is part of this life. There is always going to be some sort of pain or loss.Some get over it pretty quick and some do not. It all depends also on the degree of hurt we've suffered. Some people taking longer and need counseling to get over it, while some just enjoy being sorrowful and having everyone feel sorry for themselves. The latter is often true when it comes to failed relationships.
The problem is as human beings we are proud creatures. Pride is one thing that worsens it for us. We think we are too special and shouldn't have to go through such. We are often egocentric in nature and feel we can do as we please with no repercussions, yet we have a problem when others do the same towards us. This combined with hurt and pain, often turns to bitterness and hate towards others. Sometimes we do not want to admit that we are just being bitter, and blame it on 'I've been hurt'.
The bitterness boils so much that it ends in negative and judgmental statement all the time. You get parents tell their children not to get married because their marriage failed. They do not want to accept that it is their marriage that failed, and thus blame it on everything they can find as long as it's not them. You get youth busy influencing their friends to be promiscuous because their relationship failed and they've concluded that everyone is the same.
But there are other serious cases which arise from bitterness. Sometimes people try to destroy other because of the bitterness. When everyone is being positive, they always have to find something negative about the person. Their aim is to destroy the person but they do not realise that they are attracting negative energy towards themselves. They are constantly surrounding themselves with negative thought and actions. They are out to destroy and will stop at nothing. They may spread rumors, bash others with words or try to sabotage the other person systematically. But because they are always looking out for a negative thing to use to destroy someone, they do not see that they are attracting more negativity towards themselves, than they are dishing out to others. In the end they get addicted to the negativity and always want to be 'hurt' in order to justify their bitterness.
And if they fail, they resort to pity parties. They strive on attention and use it to reassert their bitterness and negativity. This usually happens when they have tried all their best to destroy others and have failed. They do not want to admit that they have failed, so they'd rather be the victim. This way they can paint the other person as the villain, since they are the victim. They gather people who will reassert and validate them as a victim. And the more they carry on, the deeper they go in it. Negativity is like sink sand. It strives on bitterness, hate, envy, jealousy and a victim mentality.
The truth is if everyone was to be bitter about things you did to them, you'd have more people trying to destroy you than the ones you are trying to destroy. You'd have more people with a lot of negative things to say about you than you can say about others. Get off that high horse and start being positive about life. You bitterness is sinking you in a lot of negativity that will push everyone away and destroy you in the end. You unjustified bursts of anger towards those who love you and care about you, in the name of 'I am a hurt victim' will push them away. Stop trying to destroy or bring down others because there are other people out there whom you've hurt also. Pain is not pain only when it's felt by you. Pain is pain even when you are the one causing it.
Get rid of the negativity and you will see your life turn around. Get rid of the bitterness and you will see you heart heal. Forget the pity parties and bitterness trains that you enjoy with bitter people like you, and focus more on the positive side of life. Work hard and conquer the pain instead of working hard at victimising and destroying yourself. Stop going nowhere in reverse at top speed, and start doing something positive with your. You will not get anything out of destroying the other person. You will just want to destroy more people once you are done and will only create more enemies, and probably one who is more bitter than you who will destroy you.
Forgive others if you want to be forgiven.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Inner Peace,
Letting Go,
Self Awareness
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Monday, 25 March 2019
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why so many youths on social media are so depressed? If you spend a few minutes on social media, you most likely going to run into some post about someone who is unhappy. Sometimes you find people who may appear to be happy but when you deeply analyse their comments you start seeing the dissatisfaction and unhappiness. But why is it like this?
The biggest problem is the amount of idolisation that social media has brought to our society. We have so many famous people who are deemed as authority. People fail to draw the line when it comes to social media. They envy these people so much that they become unsettled in their on lives. They feel they are not good enough anymore. They see someone having x amount of followers and feel like that someone is more loved by people than them. Everyone is just running after likes and followers.
But what many fail to understand is that not everything is what it looks to be. Some of this people whom we think are much happier than us are often not that happy. They are just painting a picture for us. One of my favourite rappers, Flawless Real Talk, in his song Love Me says "Went to the other side cause you thought it was greener, Until you found out that grass was fake". This is true for so many people today. We let go of the happiness we have to chase after what we think is happiness only to find out it is not. We let go of people who love us and are good for us, while chasing fame, followers, likes, money and fancy alcohol thinking it will make us happy. Often times, it ends up being fake.
Some of these famous people are really empty and the only way they can hide it is acting happy. And because the youth idolises such people, they end up making these individuals figures of authority. They support everything the person say and just follow blindly with no care and reasoning. They praise these individuals with the hope of being retweeted or noticed by their idol, and when it doesn't happen, they get bitter and depressed. People change their lives and name themselves after such people trying to fit in or outdo the next person at being their favourite celebrity.
We need to start realising that we are who we are and idolising these people only makes us abandon ourselves. That idol is busy working on him/herself to be better, while you are busy working hard on being the second best of them. They will always be the best of themselves and anyone who tries to copy will only be second best. But what you forget to realise is that you are neglecting yourself and at the end of the day there you will end up with an identity crisis. When you go out seeking validation, and do not get it, you are bound to get depressed. So stop trying to be validated by social media. Those people don't know you, and some aren't even who they say they are. If you see someone pose half naked on social media, all of a sudden you do the same thinking it will work for you too. It doesn't work that way in real life. You will just be left alone in depression when you do not find that validation that so much desire.
Put that phone down and start working on yourself. Start focusing on building yourself. Stop measuring your happiness against someone else's. You do not know the person. The only person you should know best is yourself and stop comparing yourself. You are the best person on earth. You are a great individual. Stop trying to be someone else and start trying to be the best you, then you will find your greatness. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself the love you've been giving these idols. Be your biggest fan. Believe in yourself.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
The biggest problem is the amount of idolisation that social media has brought to our society. We have so many famous people who are deemed as authority. People fail to draw the line when it comes to social media. They envy these people so much that they become unsettled in their on lives. They feel they are not good enough anymore. They see someone having x amount of followers and feel like that someone is more loved by people than them. Everyone is just running after likes and followers.
But what many fail to understand is that not everything is what it looks to be. Some of this people whom we think are much happier than us are often not that happy. They are just painting a picture for us. One of my favourite rappers, Flawless Real Talk, in his song Love Me says "Went to the other side cause you thought it was greener, Until you found out that grass was fake". This is true for so many people today. We let go of the happiness we have to chase after what we think is happiness only to find out it is not. We let go of people who love us and are good for us, while chasing fame, followers, likes, money and fancy alcohol thinking it will make us happy. Often times, it ends up being fake.
Some of these famous people are really empty and the only way they can hide it is acting happy. And because the youth idolises such people, they end up making these individuals figures of authority. They support everything the person say and just follow blindly with no care and reasoning. They praise these individuals with the hope of being retweeted or noticed by their idol, and when it doesn't happen, they get bitter and depressed. People change their lives and name themselves after such people trying to fit in or outdo the next person at being their favourite celebrity.
We need to start realising that we are who we are and idolising these people only makes us abandon ourselves. That idol is busy working on him/herself to be better, while you are busy working hard on being the second best of them. They will always be the best of themselves and anyone who tries to copy will only be second best. But what you forget to realise is that you are neglecting yourself and at the end of the day there you will end up with an identity crisis. When you go out seeking validation, and do not get it, you are bound to get depressed. So stop trying to be validated by social media. Those people don't know you, and some aren't even who they say they are. If you see someone pose half naked on social media, all of a sudden you do the same thinking it will work for you too. It doesn't work that way in real life. You will just be left alone in depression when you do not find that validation that so much desire.
Put that phone down and start working on yourself. Start focusing on building yourself. Stop measuring your happiness against someone else's. You do not know the person. The only person you should know best is yourself and stop comparing yourself. You are the best person on earth. You are a great individual. Stop trying to be someone else and start trying to be the best you, then you will find your greatness. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself the love you've been giving these idols. Be your biggest fan. Believe in yourself.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Inner Peace,
Self Awareness,
Self Love,
Social Media,
Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
Friday, 22 March 2019
Today i just want to share with you a wonderful book I have been reading since last year. I have gone through it twice and am currently going through it for the third time because each time i read it, something new dawns on me. It is book that everyone in every field of work should read. I am in the software development industry, yet I can tell you this book is very relevant and keeps me going. Sometimes I read it and all of a sudden I figure out what to do in my programs and which to develop next.
It is a wonderfully written book by a young South African author, Rudzai Magwabeni, of RDIFINANCE. It not only motivates you to seek entrepreneurial ways, but it also makes you realise the power within you. It is filled with various experiences that the author himself has gone through in his journey as an entrepreneur.
The author has been an entrepreneur since an early age, and has endured many of the mistakes that startups go through. I would advice every one to get this book.
The book is called TURN YOUR PASSION INTO A BUSINESS by Rudzai Magwabeni.
If you want to order it, click here .
It is a wonderfully written book by a young South African author, Rudzai Magwabeni, of RDIFINANCE. It not only motivates you to seek entrepreneurial ways, but it also makes you realise the power within you. It is filled with various experiences that the author himself has gone through in his journey as an entrepreneur.
The author has been an entrepreneur since an early age, and has endured many of the mistakes that startups go through. I would advice every one to get this book.
The book is called TURN YOUR PASSION INTO A BUSINESS by Rudzai Magwabeni.
If you want to order it, click here .
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
We seize to exist each moment
The previous second dies each moment
And we move to a new one
So we are reborn each second
We change each second and move with time
Alterations occur each moment of our life
So change is something we cannot run from
From start to now you've changed form
Not the same person as from the top
You've read this and gained something new
And the changing never stops
We smile brighter and get smarter
Some get sadder and dumber
Appreciate the change and be part of it
Enjoy the second for soon it won't exist
In fact this second right now is dead
It no longer exists and can never be gotten again
For each moment dies with time and a new one comes alive.
Move with nature. Be inspired by beauty.
Not of stature, but that of purity.
Search in you and let your thoughts take to the horizon.
Be in sync with nature and the breeze so to ride along.
Meet new people and find inspiration along the road.
Never stop seeking you within you
For within is what truly is
Find your universe within you and make your eternity
Be the answer to that which is empty
Be conscious.
Be alive.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
The previous second dies each moment
And we move to a new one
So we are reborn each second
We change each second and move with time
Alterations occur each moment of our life
So change is something we cannot run from
From start to now you've changed form
Not the same person as from the top
You've read this and gained something new
And the changing never stops
We smile brighter and get smarter
Some get sadder and dumber
Appreciate the change and be part of it
Enjoy the second for soon it won't exist
In fact this second right now is dead
It no longer exists and can never be gotten again
For each moment dies with time and a new one comes alive.
Move with nature. Be inspired by beauty.
Not of stature, but that of purity.
Search in you and let your thoughts take to the horizon.
Be in sync with nature and the breeze so to ride along.
Meet new people and find inspiration along the road.
Never stop seeking you within you
For within is what truly is
Find your universe within you and make your eternity
Be the answer to that which is empty
Be conscious.
Be alive.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Monday, 18 March 2019
What a world we live in.
A world where everyone wants something.
But nobody stops to think twice.
We all want but we never give
We are all alive but never live
Masquerading as angel, yet preach no peace
What a world we live in.
Give me that let me eat
I know my rights but I do not care about yours
I am right and perfect, so I can judge
Everyone is on my side so I do as I please
The only victim in this life is me
So I will do as I please and no one will protect you
And if you ever retaliate you will become the monster
I want to protected yet I feast on the unprotected
This I say because this is the world we live in
Oh What a world we live in.
Forgive me for it wasn't my fault
Even if it was, I have to blame someone
I am to perfect and proud to be wrong
Forgive me but I won't forgive you
I never stop to think twice
Why should I be forgiven if don't forgive
Why should I be loved if I cannot love
Why should I be protected when I do not protect
Why should I be given when I do not give
What a world we live in
No, I cannot think of such things
Such things will make me realise I am selfish
Such things will make me realise I am self centered
Such things will take away my privileges
I can't afford to not be a brat
I can't lose my entitlement
I feed and strive on it
What a world we live in
I expect so much and do too little
And that is the summary of the world we live in.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
A world where everyone wants something.
But nobody stops to think twice.
We all want but we never give
We are all alive but never live
Masquerading as angel, yet preach no peace
What a world we live in.
Give me that let me eat
I know my rights but I do not care about yours
I am right and perfect, so I can judge
Everyone is on my side so I do as I please
The only victim in this life is me
So I will do as I please and no one will protect you
And if you ever retaliate you will become the monster
I want to protected yet I feast on the unprotected
This I say because this is the world we live in
Oh What a world we live in.
Forgive me for it wasn't my fault
Even if it was, I have to blame someone
I am to perfect and proud to be wrong
Forgive me but I won't forgive you
I never stop to think twice
Why should I be forgiven if don't forgive
Why should I be loved if I cannot love
Why should I be protected when I do not protect
Why should I be given when I do not give
What a world we live in
No, I cannot think of such things
Such things will make me realise I am selfish
Such things will make me realise I am self centered
Such things will take away my privileges
I can't afford to not be a brat
I can't lose my entitlement
I feed and strive on it
What a world we live in
I expect so much and do too little
And that is the summary of the world we live in.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Friday, 15 March 2019
I was having a conversation with a friend one day when a flashy car passed us. He turned around and looked at until he couldn't see it anymore. After that I heard all his fantasies about which car he wishes to have and how it would change his life. From what I was getting, having such a car would increase his value and sense of happiness. While it is okay to dream of having nice things, there is a danger that lies in it.
As I went on talking to this friend of mine, I realised that he had mentioned over 15 cars which were his favourite. It is very common with many of us to get lost in fantasies and wishing for nicer things in life. Often times we put so much value in the objects that there's is more of a desire for something and little concern on 'how can I get it'. If you ask anyone on the streets, they'd tell you they want many things. But if you turn around and ask what they are doing to get those things very few would answer you.
Many people say 'I want that man's car' while they should be saying ' I want to work hard be like that man'. This way you get to learn more about what to do to attain such things instead of just desiring it and doing nothing. Fantasies will only waste your time if you do not get up and work. We need to understand that who ever has an object we desire had to do something to gain such. Our job is to ask if we can do the same too and if not, what's the closest thing we can do.
And after changing my mindset to this, I've come to realise that the more you work hard you start to realise that the value is not in the object but in the owner. Without the owner, there wouldn't be that object. The real value that will grant you all the happiness is finding a purpose rather than desiring object. And as you work hard, you desires get subdued because you start to see it as vanity. You can have all the things in the world, but that will not increase your value as a person or in society. But you can work hard and be valued as an individual, and then everything else will into your hands.
Change your mindset. Create your value. Create your brand.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
As I went on talking to this friend of mine, I realised that he had mentioned over 15 cars which were his favourite. It is very common with many of us to get lost in fantasies and wishing for nicer things in life. Often times we put so much value in the objects that there's is more of a desire for something and little concern on 'how can I get it'. If you ask anyone on the streets, they'd tell you they want many things. But if you turn around and ask what they are doing to get those things very few would answer you.
Many people say 'I want that man's car' while they should be saying ' I want to work hard be like that man'. This way you get to learn more about what to do to attain such things instead of just desiring it and doing nothing. Fantasies will only waste your time if you do not get up and work. We need to understand that who ever has an object we desire had to do something to gain such. Our job is to ask if we can do the same too and if not, what's the closest thing we can do.
And after changing my mindset to this, I've come to realise that the more you work hard you start to realise that the value is not in the object but in the owner. Without the owner, there wouldn't be that object. The real value that will grant you all the happiness is finding a purpose rather than desiring object. And as you work hard, you desires get subdued because you start to see it as vanity. You can have all the things in the world, but that will not increase your value as a person or in society. But you can work hard and be valued as an individual, and then everything else will into your hands.
Change your mindset. Create your value. Create your brand.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Everyday in the news, there's always a headline about someone doing evil. Right here in South Africa it is very bad. Gender violence and corruption are an everyday thing in the news. Different organisations are trying to tackle this issue but we still have a long way to go.
The world has lost it's universal fundamental of love. As existing entities in this world, we are supposed to be entities of love. Unfortunately for this generation the love is dead. People only give love when they will gain something. It's always "I love you because..." instead of "I love you despite...", and we wonder why our world has become what it is today. Individualism and self-serving people are harvesting each and every tool to spread this.
People think they are entitled to whatever they want, and when they do not get it they lash out at everyone. When they don't get what they want they play the victim part. People have become impatient and evil. And all this is because they let go of love. If we loved one another, then we would show care, patience and kindness. If we loved one another, we wouldn't have all the racial hate violence and crimes. If we loved one another, we would be able to forgive and not be so vengeful like the world has become. There is more people being vengeful, violence and evil because they can't forgive.
A world without love has no future. The people will eat one another to fulfill their selfish desires. Our world needs love. It needs love now more than ever. Our world is in desperate need of healing. It needs people who will love despite what happens. It needs people who preach and live love.
You don't have to start far. Start with the person next to you while you read this. Love them despite what they may have done to you or anyone. Show them love without expecting anything.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
The world has lost it's universal fundamental of love. As existing entities in this world, we are supposed to be entities of love. Unfortunately for this generation the love is dead. People only give love when they will gain something. It's always "I love you because..." instead of "I love you despite...", and we wonder why our world has become what it is today. Individualism and self-serving people are harvesting each and every tool to spread this.
People think they are entitled to whatever they want, and when they do not get it they lash out at everyone. When they don't get what they want they play the victim part. People have become impatient and evil. And all this is because they let go of love. If we loved one another, then we would show care, patience and kindness. If we loved one another, we wouldn't have all the racial hate violence and crimes. If we loved one another, we would be able to forgive and not be so vengeful like the world has become. There is more people being vengeful, violence and evil because they can't forgive.
A world without love has no future. The people will eat one another to fulfill their selfish desires. Our world needs love. It needs love now more than ever. Our world is in desperate need of healing. It needs people who will love despite what happens. It needs people who preach and live love.
You don't have to start far. Start with the person next to you while you read this. Love them despite what they may have done to you or anyone. Show them love without expecting anything.
Mbuelo Ramafamba
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Angels don’t
necessarily have wings
They roam
the world with us
They smile
like we do
They cry
when it hurts
Angels feel
alone too
Their eyes
swell when they cry too
But they are
still angels.
Angels aren’t
in the sky
They breathe
with us and share our spaces
We share
public transport with them
They are
emotional just like us
Yet they are
still angels
Angel aren’t
necessarily in the heavens
Some are right
here, born of man
Wondering around
in this dark world
Born from
the womb of evil souls
Yet still
true to their angelic sides
Angels don’t
necessarily have wings
They care
about their friends and family
They sacrifice
themselves to see others happy
Getting used
and tossed away like cheap dirt
Yet still
giving another chance
Yes, angels
are a bit crazy
They get
shot and still go back
that this time it will be better
Shot after
shot they never give up
They will do
all they can to see others smile
It is the
only thing that gives them life
Broken hearted
yet healing other hearts
They forget
themselves and live for others
Angel do exist.
That person
who was always good to you
And you took
advantage of them
That was an
angel sent for you.
You broke
them but they still love you
If you go
back they will still welcome you
But your pride
won’t let you say sorry
Your pride would
rather see you lose an angel
Because this
world mistreats angels
And only realizes
it when they fly away
That they
were truly angels.
But all the
good words will never bring them back.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
A company that retains its employees by limiting their ability to move to other companies, through unreasonably tight 'non-competes' or 'restraint of trade' contracts, does itself more damage. Most likely a worker will be unhappy, and thus work inefficiently. Furthermore, such employee will discourage anyone trying to work there. Word of mouth travels fast. If the employee ever finds a way of escaping, they will cause more damage on social media and the internet as a whole, through honest reviews of their experience.
Some companies go as far as using these agreements as a way to pay their employees less competitive salaries. By limiting the employee's chance of leaving to a better company within a financial viable geographical location, the employee has no choice but to stay within the employment of such a company that enforces such agreement. They realise that if they want to work for another company/organisation within their field, they would have to relocate.
Restraints of trade are fair and understandable in term of protecting company IP, but when they are used to trap employees and pay them less, they become a double edged sword which hurts both employee and employer. These employees who feel trapped become cancers which destroy the company from within.
Giving employees freedom in the workplace also frees their minds to come up with new ideas. Happy employees have no reason to leave a company. Sometimes they will be so loyal that they stay with a company even if another is promising them a little bit more in terms of pay, because they are happy and satisfied where they are. Strive for employee satisfaction.
Some companies go as far as using these agreements as a way to pay their employees less competitive salaries. By limiting the employee's chance of leaving to a better company within a financial viable geographical location, the employee has no choice but to stay within the employment of such a company that enforces such agreement. They realise that if they want to work for another company/organisation within their field, they would have to relocate.
Restraints of trade are fair and understandable in term of protecting company IP, but when they are used to trap employees and pay them less, they become a double edged sword which hurts both employee and employer. These employees who feel trapped become cancers which destroy the company from within.
Giving employees freedom in the workplace also frees their minds to come up with new ideas. Happy employees have no reason to leave a company. Sometimes they will be so loyal that they stay with a company even if another is promising them a little bit more in terms of pay, because they are happy and satisfied where they are. Strive for employee satisfaction.
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