Monday, 18 March 2019


What a world we live in.
 A world where everyone wants something.
But nobody stops to think twice.
We all want but we never give
We are all alive but never live
Masquerading as angel, yet preach no peace
What a world we live in.

Give me that let me eat
I know my rights but I do not care about yours
I am right and perfect, so I can judge
Everyone is on my side so I do as I please
The only victim in this life is me
So I will do as I please and no one will protect you
And if you ever retaliate you will become the monster
I want to protected yet I feast on the unprotected
This I say because this is the world we live in
Oh What a world we live in.

Forgive me for it wasn't my fault
Even if it was, I have to blame someone
I am to perfect and proud to be wrong
Forgive me but I won't forgive you
I never stop to think twice
Why should I be forgiven if don't forgive
Why should  I be loved if I cannot love
Why should I be protected when I do not protect
Why should I be given when I do not give
What a world we live in

No, I cannot think of such things
Such things will make me realise I am selfish
Such things will make me realise I am self centered
Such things will take away my privileges
I can't afford to not be a brat
I can't lose my entitlement
I feed and strive on it
What a world we live in

I expect so much and do too little

And that is the summary of the world we live in.

Mbuelo Ramafamba 


  1. Its a messed up world. People want feel entitled to things they didn't work for and they are always "right"

    1. Apologies for my late reply ArtemisDiana, but blogger had issues with delivering comments. you are right. it is very true. individualism is destroying our beautiful world. people are setting bad examples that will come back to haunt them one day.


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