NOTICE!! This is an old article I wrote in 2015. It was previously published on my brother's blogsite, Growthblog, but he has since taken down his site. I feel it is needed for this to always be online for all to read, hence I am now publishing it on my own blog.
The usual
I could start by defining what slavery is according to dictionaries and many other sources, but I will just keep it short and share with you my understanding of slavery; it is when one works with all their might, all for the glory of another man who does nothing but give out the orders. But the purpose of this is not defining terms, but rather opening the eyes of society to the problem that lurks about each one of us, and to eventually find the answer.
Background of the problem
Let’s shift our eyes back from the time we are born. We are born into a uniformed way of doing things; a system. In this system, we all taught that we need to go to school and learn, which is not really a bad thing but rather very helpful in getting us literate. I wouldn’t be able to write this if I hadn’t been in the system myself. Neither would you be able to read this. But today I will share the bad side of this system, which is the cause of many of the world’s problems. It is this system wherein kids are asked what they want to become when they grow up. The problem with this is that most kids are very imaginative, and most of the things they say don’t seem to rub off well with their educators, thus leading them to telling the kids to be “realistic”. You will soon understand why this is the case. Most of these kids are turned around from being imaginative and spontaneous to being realistic and end up dreaming of having careers such as being a doctor, engineer, accountant etc. Now you may be asking yourself what the problem is with such. You will have your answers soon.
The problem
The problem is the main reason this article exists. I didn’t have to do much of research but I had to realise I was part of the problem, and then observe clearly the problem and the environment around me. It hit me hard to realise that the problem was all around us and we never seem to realise it. From birth, we are all born smart, entrepreneurial and spontaneous, with a purpose on this earth. That gift is always taught out of us and a new one is taught into us. We start fantasizing about having offices and working for some company and earning a huge paycheque. But is it worth the time sacrificed? We mostly spend around 16 years in school working so hard to eventually get a degree and we never focus on self-discovery. Our thinking is so channelled by the education system that we forget the dreams we had as kids and the things we imagined. We forget to explore ourselves and choose to focus on a way that’s tested and proven. But the question arises, who will test new ways of doing things if we all flood into one system? Look back at your own life and you will see this very same problem. It’s never too late to start being a child again and getting back to you imaginative self again.
You will remember that when I started I stated that slavery is when one works with all their might, all for the glory of another man who does nothing but give out the orders. Truth is, we are all taught to be slaves. We are all taught to dream of working for someone. Slavery is not just the olden way kind of slavery wherein people would beaten and starved. It’s evolved. The slave masters realised that mankind is rebellious in nature and will always rebel to forced slavery, so they came up with voluntary slavery; where one becomes a slave without noticing, and actually embraces it, hence the title “Proud Slaves”.
Truth is, to keep someone a slave, you just have to make them think they are free and they will never see the need to be free because their mind already tells them they are free.
Most people think they’ve made it and are free just because they have an office and a huge pay cheque and don’t realise they are just evolved slaves. The old slaves were much better than us, because they realised they were slaves and we are too ignorant to notice it. How are we evolved slaves, you may ask. Well, instead of a whip, they HR (the guys that will punish you for your mistakes). Instead of starvation, they now have debt (from the debt you incur to obtain your degree to your bond), the one thing that will choke you and also be the excuse you use to justify your slavery. There are many other tools used to further this modern day slavery, and if you observe you will notice them, both in your life and lives of others. You spend most of your day in the office working so hard and making millions, yet only receiving about 1% of what you make. And the big guy, that is the owner, takes the rest while he seats and enjoys his life, while you slave for him. Back in the days, folks used to work till they died building empires for another man, who would get all the glory and they would only get a place to stay. Isn’t the case with our generations too? Are we not working so hard and making billions for our employers, just because we need to pay our student loan, mortgage, car and credit card? Are we not slaves then to our employers? If you make mistakes, they get rid of you and find someone else to replace you; isn’t that slavery? The company gets awards and publicity for your performance and all you get is your salary. The same salary which will destroy your life if you lose your job, because you will be having so many commitments.
To make it worse, most of us are proud to be slaves. We go about giving motivational talks and bragging about our work and how much we earn, while forgetting that some guy up there controls us. We think we are free but we are not. We think we have it all just because we can manage to pay for it on a monthly basis, but truth is we own nothing. If you were to lose your job today, how much of your property do you think would be repossessed? I hope by now you start seeing the problem. Worry not; the solution is around the corner. I wish not to hit below the belt, but truth is most of us work for almost 40 years, and retire at 65, with nothing much to show. What if you could retire now and still have so much? What if you could wholly own all the property you use, instead of borrowing it? Well, first we will have to realise that we are slaves. Slavery never died. It just evolved into employment.
The solution?
Upon realising that you are a slave, take this is a piece to your revolution. Take this as a candle stick which I’ve passed on to you in this relay called life. The solution is pretty simple. Rather be your own slave. I will say it again. BE YOUR OWN SLAVE. You were born with the potential to make it big in this world, so use it wisely. Wear your imaginative shoes and take off to a world of endless ideas. Find the entrepreneur in you. Be like a kid again. Be rebellious to the slave master. Why should you work for them while they sit and spend, all at your cost? You have the ideas inside you. They are sitting right there waiting for you. Find you gift and follow it with passion. Use your sweat to build your own empire. Stop working for so many years as a slave, only to die in debt. End the debt crisis. End the economic crashes. End your struggle. Employ yourself. Your terms, your own time, your own salary and no boss telling you what to do. I put it out to you to make the change. Take this as a revolution. I dare you to get up and open your eyes to this slavery. It will be to your own benefit.
Welcome to an infinite earth. A community where we believe in the infinite nature of our universe. Working hard each day to discover our infinite nature,and make the world a better place
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Wow nyc one